PHP Version of console.log() for Laravel

ScaleUp SaaS - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Easily stream your Laravel application logs to the browser console tab (console.log) in real-time using server-sent event (SSE)

Welcome to Laravel Console Log (LCL)! This package brings real-time logging to your Laravel application, allowing you to stream your logs directly to your browser's console. Perfect for backend developers who want the power of console.log for their PHP projects. Say goodbye to tedious log file hunting and hello to instant insights!


✨ Features

  • Stream Backend Events: Send messages from Controllers, Events, Models, etc., directly to your browser console.
  • Stream Application Logs: View your Laravel logs (storage/logs/laravel.log) in real-time in your browser console.


  • PHP >= 7
  • Laravel >= 5

Installation - Via Composer (Dev Environment)

Not recommended for production.

composer require --dev saasscaleup/laravel-console-log
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For Laravel < 5.5

Add the Service Provider to config/app.php in the providers section:

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Add the Facade to config/app.php in the aliases section:

'LCL' => Saasscaleup\LCL\Facades\LCLFacade::class,
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Publish Config, Migration, and View Files

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Saasscaleup\LCL\LCLServiceProvider"
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Run Migration

Create the stream_console_logs table:

php artisan migrate
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Setup LCL in Your View/Layout

Add this to your main view/layout (usually layout/app.blade.php) file before </body>:

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Environment Configuration

Adjust your .env file or config/lcl.php to customize settings:

return [

    'enabled' => env('LCL_ENABLED', true),
    'log_enabled' => env('LCL_LOG_ENABLED', true),
    'log_type' => env('LCL_LOG_TYPE', 'info,error,warning,alert,critical,debug'),
    'log_specific' => env('LCL_LOG_SPECIFIC', ''),
    'interval' => env('LCL_INTERVAL', 1),
    'append_user_id' => env('LCL_APPEND_USER_ID', true),
    'keep_events_logs' => env('LCL_KEEP_EVENTS_LOGS', false),
    'server_event_retry' => env('LCL_SERVER_EVENT_RETRY', '2000'),
    'delete_log_interval' => env('LCL_DELETE_LOG_INTERVAL', 600),
    'js_console_log_enabled' => env('LCL_JS_CONSOLE_LOG_ENABLED', true),

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Stream notifications from your controllers or event classes:

use Saasscaleup\LCL\Facades\LCLFacade;

public function myFunction()
    LCLFacade::notify('Message 1');
    LCLFacade::notify('Message 2', 'success');
    LCLFacade::notify('Message 3', 'error');
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Or use the helper function:

stream_log('Message 1');
stream_log('Message 2');
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Log messages using Laravel's logging system:

\Log::info('Log Message 1');
\Log::error('Log Message 2');
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Customize Notifications

Modify resources/views/vendor/lcl/view.blade.php to change the notification appearance.

Custom Events

Change the event type in LCLFacade::notify:

LCLFacade::notify('User purchased a plan', 'info', 'UserPurchase');
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Handle it in your view:

var es = new EventSource("{{route('lcl-stream-log')}}");

es.addEventListener("UserPurchase", function (e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(;
}, false);
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Github link

Check out laravel-console-log package Github repository


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
