Asynchronous Data Retrieval with SQL Stored Procedures in C#

Sean Drew - Dec 8 '24 - - Dev Community

Asynchronous programming is essential for ensuring responsiveness and efficient resource utilization, particularly in I/O-bound or high-latency scenarios like database interactions. Leveraging async and await with SQL stored procedures can streamline data retrieval while preserving application performance. Here, I share my typical approach to retrieving data asynchronously using SQLClient with a SQL stored procedure in C#.

Sample Module Code

public static async Task<string[]> GetFromEmailAddress(int? storeid)
  var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();

  string fromName = string.Empty;
  string fromEmailAddr = string.Empty;
  string? _sql_con_str = configuration["sqlsetting:your_integrated_connection_string"];

  using (var _sql_con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(_sql_con_str))
    // call the stored procedure using SQL Client
    using (var _sql_cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("stored_procedure_name", _sql_con))
      _sql_cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
      _sql_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_store_id", storeid);

      await _sql_con.OpenAsync(); // asynchronously open the connection

      using (var _sql_dr = await _sql_cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()) // execute reader asynchronously
        while (await _sql_dr.ReadAsync()) // asynchronously read rows
          fromName = _sql_dr["FromName"] as string ?? string.Empty;
          fromEmailAddr = _sql_dr["FromEmailAddr"] as string ?? string.Empty;

  return new[] { fromName, fromEmailAddr };
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Sample of Calling the Module

string[] FromAddressInfo = await GetFromEmailAddress(store_id);

// ensure FromAddressInfo is valid and contains at least two values
if (FromAddressInfo == null || FromAddressInfo.Length < 2 || 
  string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FromAddressInfo[0]) || 
  return new ContentResult() { Content = "From Address or From Name not found", StatusCode = 422 };

Console.WriteLine($"{FromAddressInfo[0]}"); // display value of the string[] array
Console.WriteLine($"{FromAddressInfo[1]}"); // display value of the string[] array

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Key Points

Purpose of Asynchronous Data Retrieval

  • Enables non-blocking operations for database interactions.
  • Improves responsiveness, especially in applications with high concurrency.

Setup and Configuration

  • Use appsettings.json for connection strings to enhance maintainability.
  • Leverage ConfigurationBuilder for configuration management.

Using SQL Client for Asynchronous Operations

  • Demonstrates opening a connection with SqlConnection.OpenAsync().
  • Showcases executing commands using SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync().
  • Iterates through data with SqlDataReader.ReadAsync().

Error Handling and Validation

  • Checks for null or incomplete results from the stored procedure.
  • Logs errors and returns meaningful responses for failure cases.


  • Example code retrieves "From Email Address" and "From Name" from a database via a stored procedure using the store_id variable.
  • Constructs a dictionary to store and manage the retrieved values.
  • Constructs a string[] array to return both values from the method. Using a string[] array is a lightweight alternative when you only need to return a couple of items, and defining a class would be overkill.
  • This approach allows for quick, efficient, and concise data handling, especially when the values are not complex enough to justify the creation of a class or struct.

Sample Code Breakdown

  • Highlights the importance of parameterized queries for security.
  • Demonstrates structuring results for easy use in calling methods.
    • The string[] array approach is employed here to return two simple values (e.g., "From Email Address" and "From Name") with minimal overhead, providing a more straightforward solution in cases where simplicity is prioritized.

Notes on using a string[] array

  • At times, simplicity can outweigh complexity, especially when tackling straightforward tasks. When a method needs to return just two values, defining a dedicated class or struct might feel unnecessarily heavy. In such cases, a lightweight structure like a string[] array can offer a quick and effective solution. Although a string[] array is useful for simple, sequential collections of data and is pragmatic when brevity and focus are valued over formality, it does sacrifice the clarity and type safety that a dedicated class or struct provides. The balance between formality (class/struct) and brevity (array) is key to deciding when to use each approach based on the task's complexity.
  • This approach is particularly useful in scenarios where:
    • Performance and simplicity are key: A string[] array eliminates the overhead of defining, instantiating, and maintaining a class or struct.
    • Short-term or one-off requirements: For tasks with limited scope or minimal reusability, using a string[] array avoids cluttering the codebase with rarely used data models.
    • Rapid prototyping: During initial development or proof-of-concept phases, this approach allows for faster iterations.

Using async and await with SQL stored procedures enhances the efficiency of database interactions in C#. Following best practices, such as validation, parameterization, and error logging, ensures robust and secure implementations.

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