What can you do with React.js? Its Practical Uses, Real Example, and More

Shariq Ahmed - Oct 17 '23 - - Dev Community

What can you do with React.js? Its Practical Uses, Real Example, and More

React.js is one of the high-standard and advanced JavaScript libraries that helps in creating user interfaces. It is used to create Single-Page Applications (SPA). Back in the day, JQuery used to help out with making web pages by facilitating DOM manipulations and messing around with stuff on them. However, when you use React.js, you can create quicker, more reactive, and faster user interfaces.

Further, many major websites, including Instagram, Netflix, Salesforce, and Asana, are built using React.js. React.js is also a component-based library that aids in the creation of modular user interfaces.

Furthermore, React.js is extremely useful when developing a website where information or data continuously changes over time. It employs reusable UI components that reduce development time and display dynamically changing data.

For example, consider the likes on an Instagram post. You may have noticed that when reading a post made by a celebrity the likes count is at 10k. However, as you finish reading the post, without reloading the page, it increases to 15k. Now, how does it happen? Well, all thanks to Virtual DOM, you can find information about this topic in this article DOM vs Virtual DOM.

Additionally, with React.js, you can create complex UIs without much difficulty. Also, it is a declarative library, meaning you need to specify everything, including what needs to be done and where you want something, through code. But how will this be implemented? React.js takes care of it!

Why do I choose React.js?

React JS because it is simple, faster than some libraries or frameworks, and makes web development easier. It's quite popular, so you can find lots of help, and resources online, and the React community is huge, which is a big advantage.

Well, you should use React.js because it is simple, faster than some libraries or frameworks, and makes web development easier. It’s quite popular, so you can find lots of help, and resources online, and the React community is huge, which is a big advantage.

You should also choose React.js if you are looking for a simple architecture. Also, it is really flexible and it’s way easier to develop because of its modular design. Additionally, if you have a know-how of JavaScript then go for React.js as it is written in Javascript.

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