Packed Encoding of ABI in Solidity

Shlok Kumar - Mar 19 '23 - - Dev Community

ABI.encodePacked compresses the contract data into a one-byte array thereby reducing its size

Packed Encoding of ABI in Solidity is a technique used to encode data in a compact way, which can be useful when working with limited storage or bandwidth. Solidity includes a built-in function abi.encodePacked(...) that allows for the encoding of data in a non-standard manner. This enables data to be encoded as raw bytes without having to adhere to the ABI's rules for encoding data.

The primary advantage of this approach is its simplicity; instead of having multiple variables or function parameters scattered throughout your codebase, all you need to do is declare one packed variable or parameter at the beginning and then refer back to it whenever needed. This eliminates redundant coding efforts while providing an easy way for developers to keep track of their variables without needing extra lines in their codebase every time they want to access them again later on down the line. Additionally, because these values are stored in one place rather than across multiple locations within your program’s source files, there’s less potential for errors due to corruption from accidental overwrites during development cycles — something which can be incredibly difficult (and costly) when dealing with larger projects involving hundreds or thousands of lines worth programming logic spread out among many different files over long periods time. And using Packed Encoding also increases overall security since it limits what types of information can be passed between parties involved in any given transaction.

 When doing packed encoding in Solidity, the following ABI restrictions are not enforced anymore:

  • Dynamic types (for example, strings, arrays, and so on) are represented exactly as they are, without any offset or length information.

  • Zero padding is not applied to static types that are shorter than 32 bytes (for example, uint8, bytes4, and so on).

Let's take an example of encoding two strings text1 and text2 ("AAAA", "BBBB") using abi.encode and abi.ecnodePacked and compare the results for further analysis:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Hashfunction{

     function hash (string memory text,uint num,address addr)external pure returns(bytes32){
     return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(text,num,addr));

     function encode(string memory text1, string memory text2) external pure returns(bytes memory){
            return abi.encode(text1,text2);

     function encodepacked(string memory text1, string memory text2) external pure returns(bytes memory){
            return abi.encodePacked(text1,text2);

     function collision(string memory text1, string memory text2) external pure returns(bytes32)
         return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(text1,text2));
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Upon executing the functions, you can notice that abi.encodePacked is susceptible to hash collisions (different inputs giving the same result or output). This can be solved by using something like an integer along with the aforementioned strings which can act like a salt phrase and get rid of hash collisions.

It's important to note that packed encoding can be less secure than other forms of encoding because it doesn't include any padding or type information. This means that it can be more vulnerable to attacks such as buffer overflows or type confusion.

In conclusion, packed encoding of ABI in Solidity is a technique used to encode data in a compact way using the abi.encodePacked() function. While it can be useful for saving space, it's important to consider its potential security implications before using it in your smart contracts.

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