How to create an GitHub Special Repository for Organisation

Siddhant Khare - Sep 15 '21 - - Dev Community

Around a Year Ago, GitHub Releases a special feature, that we can create our README, which will show us to the GitHub Profile, like this:


And, Today I saw this tweet, that this feature is available for the Organisations too.

Now, let me show how you can create one for your GitHub organisation.

Steps to Create a homepage for GitHub organisation

  • Create a New Public Repository in your organization named .github.

  • Under That Make a profile directory

  • Add a under profile directory.

The Path of your should be .github/profile/

Things You can add in Your Org. Homepage

It Can have all your README Details as you had in of your main repository of the Org.

Or, you can add some promotional stuff, as you have in your Organisation's Landing Page/ Documentation Page.


  • You Have To Create A File Like This:


Open Given File

  • You Can Add All Information, you wanted to display it out there, ( it can work as your Promotional page also :) )


<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="20%"></a></p>

<h1 align="center">Indian Open Source Foundation</h1>
<h2 align="center">Promoting open source, one step at a time smiley 😀 👨‍💻</h2>

> Join us as a contributor and associate with us in our journey for making Open Source Contribution lit <span role="img" aria-label="fire emoji">🔥</span> and super powerful for the budding and already existing community.

<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="10%"></a>  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="13%"></a> </p>

### Below is a list of the most important repositories.

- [Dynamic Cli]( A Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API testing, and if you're stuck - Search and browse StackOverflow without leaving the CLI.
- [Argon]( A Website that will track the website traffic and health.
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  • Commit Your Changes and 💥

It Will Look Like this:

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