3 Free Resources to Learn React in 2022

Sidharth Sreejil - Oct 29 '22 - - Dev Community

3 FREE Resources to Learn React in 2022

React is still one of the most popular JavaScript libraries used to build interactive frontend experiences. Here are 3 free resources to learn React in 2022 and make your way as a frontend developer.

React Docs (Beta)

The new React Docs (Beta) has interactive examples and visual diagrams and easier explanations to help you learn React by yourself. The official documentation will help you with all the basics including JSX , Hooks and more.

Free React Course for 2022 by freeCodeCamp.org

In this 12 hour free course you will learn React by building eight real-world projects and solving 140+ coding challenges.

React JS Full Crash Course 2022 by JavaScript Mastery

In this 1 hour crash course you will learn everything from the essential JSX syntax all the way to more advanced React topics, like state, hooks, data fetching, and more.

React might be a tough challenge for most people but with sheer will and consistent learning and coding, you can be a pro React Developer.

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