Sijuanu Adekoya - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

I am Adekoya Sijuanu, a Flutter Developer who is always eager to learn and improve and also, I am open to making new friends.

The Internship journey I am embarking on is not going to be easy, but I trust God it's going to be a remarkable one.

I chose to partake in HNG internship because I look at internship as a platform to learn and upgrade my skills in Flutter. I also heard from friends and colleagues that HNG Internship is one of the toughest Internships so I made up my mind to attempt it and fight it, which by doing so I am improving myself with the tasks and getting myself prepared on what the other Internships can look like because this will be my first Internship.

To apply for HNG Internship, click Hng Internship
To upgrade to premium, click Premium Hng Internship


Applications for mobile devices are advancing the way we use technology on a daily basis, making mobile development a vital and crucial component in Software Development.

For the purpose of developing reliable, and maintainable applications, it is essential for developers of all experience levels to know and understand the various mobile development platforms and software architecture patterns in which in this article, I will be talking on the software architecture patterns, the common mobile development platforms, the advantages and disadvantages of each to assist you in making decisions for your upcoming project.

Mobile Development Platforms

1. Native Development: Which includes:

  • iOS Development using Swift or Objective-C
  • Android Development using Kotlin or Java


  1. High performance and responsiveness.
  2. Full access to device features.


  1. Requires knowledge of platform-specific languages and tools.
  2. Longer development time for supporting multiple platforms.

2. Cross-Platform Development: Which includes:

  • Flutter (Dart)
  • React Native (JavaScript)


  1. Single codebase for multiple platforms.
  2. Faster development and deployment.


  1. Limited access to platform-specific features.
  2. Dependency on third-party frameworks and libraries.

3. Hybrid Development: Which includes:

  • Ionic
  • Cordova


  1. Utilizes web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
  2. Single codebase for all platforms.


  1. Limited access to native device features.
  2. User experience might not be as seamless.

Common Software Architecture Patterns

1. Model-View-Controller (MVC):


  1. Easier to manage and scale.
  2. Facilitates parallel development.


  1. Can become complex with large applications.
  2. Not ideal for highly interactive applications.

2. Model-View-View-Model (MVVM):


  1. Enhanced testability.
  2. Better code maintainability.


  1. Learning curve for data-binding mechanisms
  2. Requires additional boilerplate code.

3. Model-View-Presenter (MVP):


  1. Clear separation of responsibilities
  2. Better control over the view layer.


  1. Requires more boilerplate code.
  2. Can be complex to implement for large applications.