Question About Large Language Models and SwiftUI

Kyra - May 2 - - Dev Community

I’m at the vague research and idea stage of an idea and figured I’d create a discussion question in case it helps anyone else.

Specifically I’m wondering if anyone has looked into integrating a large language model (llm) into their Swift iOS app before? Is there a best way? Are there any awesome tutorials to do this?

I’ve heard of Hugging Face and Meta’s Llama 3 {github repo}. I’ve also heard that Apple recently dropped corenet and openElm but I’m assuming there’s not a lot of information about it until WWDC in June… hopefully. That said I haven’t researched large language models before so before I delve into it too far I wanted to check if there's a proper path and/or any tips and tricks that would be good to know.

Thanks everyone!

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