Unlocking Architectural Design with the .floor File Format

Hamish - May 30 - - Dev Community

In the world of architectural design, efficiency and precision are key. The .floor file format, a JSON-based standard, is here to revolutionize how architectural floor plans are managed and visualized. Designed for seamless integration with various tools, this format captures detailed information about building layouts, from room outlines to wall data and beyond. In this article, we’ll highlight the core features of the .floor format and introduce the Blender add-on that brings these plans to life in 3D.

What is the .floor File Format?

The .floor file format standardizes architectural floor plan data, making it easily usable across different platforms. It includes:

  • Header: Version, creation date, author.
  • Metadata: Project name, location, client information, building dimensions, number of floors.
  • Floor Data: Floor identifiers, outlines, room data.
  • Room Data: Room identifiers, names, outlines, wall data.
  • Wall Data: Wall start/end points, height, thickness.
  • Additional Metadata: Materials, electrical outlets, windows, doors.

For a complete breakdown, refer to the specification.

Blender Add-On: Bringing Floor Plans to Life

One of the standout tools in the .floor project is the Blender add-on, which enables the import of .floor files into Blender, a popular 3D modeling software.


  • Import .floor Files: Convert .floor files into detailed 3D models.
  • Automated 3D Modeling: Automatically generate 3D structures from floor plan data.
  • Customizable Settings: Adjust import settings to fit your needs.

Installation and Usage

  1. Download the Add-On: Visit the Blender add-on repository and download the latest release.
  2. Install in Blender: Go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons, click Install, and select the downloaded ZIP file.
  3. Enable the Add-On: Enable it from the list.
  4. Import Your .floor File: Go to File > Import > .floor File, and select your .floor file.


  • Enhanced Visualization: View designs from every angle.
  • Improved Communication: Share 3D models with clients and stakeholders.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Integrate 3D modeling seamlessly into your design process.


The .floor project thrives on community contributions. Your input can help refine this innovative format. Check out the contributing guidelines to get involved.


The .floor file format and its Blender add-on are set to transform architectural design by standardizing floor plan data and enabling sophisticated 3D modeling. Explore the .floor format, contribute to its development, and unlock new possibilities in your projects. Visit the OpenArchSpecs GitHub repository to get started.
