How to send SMS Notifications in Laravel using Twilio

Snehal Rajeev Moon - Jan 28 '23 - - Dev Community

Hello Artisans,

In this blog post we will see how we can send sms notifications using laravel.

In Laravel, we can send SMS notifications using a package such as Twilio or Nexmo. In this post we are going to see how we can send SMS using Twilio package.

So let's get started by installing Twilio package:

composer require twilio/sdk
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Create a new notification class using the php artisan make:notification command.

php artisan make:notification SendSMS
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In the newly created notification class, add a toTwilio method. This method will contain the logic for sending the SMS using the Twilio package.

use Twilio\Rest\Client;

public function toTwilio($notifiable)
    $twilio = new Client(env('TWILIO_SID'), env('TWILIO_TOKEN'));

    $message = $twilio->messages
                    ->create("+1234567890", // to
                            "body" => "Hello from Laravel!",
                            "from" => "+0987654321"
    return $message;
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In the above code you need to replace TWILIO_SID and TWILIO_TOKEN with your Twilio account SID and token respectively. Also replace the "to" and "from" numbers with the phone numbers you want to send the message to and from.

To send the notification, you can use the Notification facade's send method and pass it the notifiable instance and the notification class.

Notification::send($user, new SendSMS());
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Now you can send SMS notification to the user.

Note: You also need to config your Twilio account with phone numbers and other settings.

Thank You!!
Happy Reading 🦄 ❤️

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