A Question I’ve Been Asking Myself Lately (And Why)

Soulis - Sep 2 - - Dev Community

I spend a lot of my time thinking about networking.

But lately, one question I’ve been asking myself is this:

Why is so hard to make connections with new people as an adult?
For a few reasons:

Reason #1: Busy Schedules

As adults, many people have demanding jobs, family responsibilities, and other commitments that leave little time for socializing. This can make it challenging to find opportunities to meet new people or invest in new relationships.

Reason #2: Established Social Circles

Adults often have established social circles and friendships. These long-standing relationships can sometimes create barriers to forming new connections, as people may be less inclined to expand their social networks when they already have a solid group of friends.

Reason #3: Increased Self-Awareness and Caution

With age comes greater self-awareness and a more developed sense of what one values in relationships. Adults might be more cautious and selective about who they connect with, making it harder to establish new relationships, especially if they are looking for deeper, more meaningful connections.

To wrestle with this question, a few things I am doing are:

Thing 1: Expanding My Social Circles

I’m actively seeking out new social opportunities by joining communities, attending events, or participating in activities related to my interests. This helps me meet people who share similar passions and can lead to new connections.

Thing 2: Practicing Open Communication

I’m focusing on improving my communication skills and being more open in conversations. This includes actively listening, showing genuine interest in others, and being willing to share about myself, which can help build stronger connections.

Thing 3: Setting Realistic Goals

I’m setting manageable goals for networking and building relationships, such as reaching out to one new person each week or attending one networking event each month. This approach helps me stay consistent without feeling overwhelmed.

But I think it’ll be a while before I come to any sort of solid conclusion.

(And if you have a clear answer to this question, I’d love to hear from you.)

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