Is Low-Code an appropriate solution for your company in 2024? - Apr 24 - - Dev Community

The reasons given in this article are not applicable to all Low-Code technologies.
In the era of digital transformation, Low-Code development platforms have gained popularity for their promise of simplifying the software development solution. However, in 2024, there are valid reasons why your company might reconsider adopting this technology.
These reasons are not applicable to all Low-Code technologies, but to a certain extent they can be established as generalizations that are widely agreed upon by the developer community.
Valid reasons why your company could reconsider adopting Low-Code
There are no absolute truths, nor are all the reasons listed here applicable to all Low-Code technologies.
Limitations on Personalization
Low-Code platforms offer a fast way to develop applications, but often with sacrifices in terms of customization and flexibility. Businesses with specific and complex needs may find these platforms restrictive.
Supplier Dependence
Opting for a Low-Code solution may mean tying yourself to a specific provider, which can be risky in terms of future costs and service continuity. This dependency can limit a company's ability to adapt to rapid changes in the market.
Scalability and Performance
Although low-code platforms are improving in terms of scalability, they can still have limitations compared to custom-developed solutions, especially for large-scale or high-performance applications.
Integration Challenges
Integrating Low-Code applications with existing systems can be a challenge. This is particularly true in enterprise environments where legacy systems are common.
Hidden costs
While Low-Code may seem economically advantageous at first, hidden costs such as additional licenses, customizations, and maintenance can add up over time.
Security and Compliance
Securing low-code applications and ensuring they comply with relevant regulations can be more complicated, given the less transparent nature of these platforms.
There are no absolute truths, and with Low-Code technologies neither
In these times of accelerated digital transformation, Low-Code development platforms like Velneo are redefining the custom enterprise software development services landscape. At first glance, we could be tempted to see low-code as a limited solution and too dependent on the provider. However, a deeper look reveals a more nuanced scenario, especially when we explore what Velneo has to offer.
Ability to customize and adapt to specific needs
When we think about low-code platforms, we are often concerned about their ability to customize and adapt to a company's specific needs. This is a valid concern for many solutions on the market, but Velneo distances itself from this generalization. With Velneo, customization and adaptability are not only possible; They are a palpable reality. Its flexible approach allows companies to shape applications to their unique needs, challenging the notion that Low-Code is synonymous with rigidity.
Anti-obsolescence guarantee
Moving on to the issue of supplier dependency, it is true that by choosing Velneo, companies enter into an ongoing relationship with us. However, this relationship is not a restriction, but rather a door to continuous innovation. Thanks to our subscription policy and the release of two annual versions, we guarantee that our clients' applications never become obsolete. This continuous commitment to updating and improving means that companies that choose Velneo are always ahead of the curve, with custom software product development that evolves at the pace of technological and market changes.
Power and performance
When it comes to scalability and performance, Velneo proves that Low-Code can, in fact, be on par with traditionally developed applications. With Velneo, businesses don't have to sacrifice performance for convenience; They can have both. This is especially crucial for growing businesses that need to ensure their technology infrastructure can scale with them.
Integration with your core
A common challenge with Low-Code platforms is integration with existing systems, especially in business environments where new technologies coexist with legacy systems. Velneo addresses this challenge head-on, offering robust and flexible tools for integration, ensuring that new applications communicate seamlessly with the pre-existing technology ecosystem.
Transparency and the community as a witness
And, of course, we cannot forget the costs. Although Low-Code may seem attractive in the short term, some platforms may have hidden costs that add up over time. In this aspect, Velneo stands out for its transparency in prices and licenses, which allows companies to plan their technology budgets more effectively.
Security and compliance
Finally, security and compliance are critical aspects of any development tool. In this sense, Velneo is no exception, offering a secure platform in compliance with current regulations, which provides peace of mind to companies aware of the importance of these aspects.

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