How to Set Up a Cost-Effective AWS Environment: A Step-by-Step Guide for Startups and Small Businesses.

Ebikara Spiff - Sep 11 - - Dev Community

Every unnecessary cent spent brings your organization one step closer to the end of it's runway, a grueling fundraising round, or even the end of your startup.

As a founder, you want to focus on innovation and finding that perfect product-market fit, not worrying about infrastructure or unexpected costs. According to RightScale, small and medium-sized companies overspend by an average of 35% on cloud resources. This equates to $6.4 billion in annualized wasted cost for AWS alone.

One way many startups manage costs is by opting to use flexible AWS cloud infrastructure. With this in mind, Here is a how-to guide to help you create a cost-effective AWS environment for your small startup.

Why Should Startups Use AWS?

Before diving into specific cost-saving tips, let’s explore why startups should consider using a cloud infrastructure provider like AWS. Physical infrastructure can quickly consume a large portion of a startup’s budget.

Cloud infrastructure, particularly when provided by AWS, offers a flexible solution to this problem. It can scale up or down based on demand, allowing startups to avoid the significant expenses of maintaining physical infrastructure. Additionally, AWS outsources much of the technical work to a highly specialized team that excels in maximizing efficiency and passing those savings on to their clients.

That said, cloud infrastructure isn't automatically cheap. Poor optimization can lead to escalating costs. That’s why AWS emphasizes cost optimization as a core aspect of their Shared Responsibility Model and Well-Architected Framework. While it’s the responsibility of AWS customers to configure their infrastructure properly, AWS provides several built-in optimization tools and partners who can assist in ensuring cost-effective usage.

Getting Familiar with the AWS Environment.

AWS Managment Console

Start by getting comfortable with the AWS Management Console. This is your primary interface for managing AWS services.

The AWS Management Console is a web-based user interface that makes it easy to manage and interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides a simple, intuitive way to access and manage AWS cloud resources and services, such as computing power, storage, databases, and machine learning tools.

With the AWS Management Console, you can:

Launch and Manage Services: Start new services like EC2 instances, RDS databases, or S3 storage buckets with a few clicks.

Monitor Resources: View and track the status and health of your resources in real time.

Access Management Tools: Use services like AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) to manage user access and security settings.

Organize Resources: Tag and organize your resources for easier management and cost allocation.

Create and Manage Dashboards: Visualize and monitor the performance of your applications and infrastructure with customizable dashboards.

The AWS Management Console is designed for both beginners and experienced cloud professionals, providing guided workflows and advanced tools to help you make the most of AWS services.

Here’s how to navigate through key services:

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Use this for scalable computing capacity. Select the correct instance type based on your workload. Use Auto Scaling to dynamically adjust capacity and reduce costs.

Image of Amazon EC2

Navigating to EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Step 1: After logging in, locate the Services menu at the top of the AWS Management Console.

Homepage of EC2

Step 2: Click Compute section.

Compute section of aws

Step 3: Click on EC2 and this will take you to the EC2 dashboard.

EC2 dashboard

Step 4: In the EC2 dashboard, you can manage instances, security groups, elastic IPs, key pairs, and more. Use the left-side menu to explore different EC2 features, such as Instances, AMI, Snapshots, etc.

EC2 dashboard

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Ideal for storing and retrieving any amount of data. Choose appropriate storage classes (e.g. Standard, Intelligent-Tiering, Glacier) to balance cost and access needs:

Image of Amazon S3

Navigating to S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Step 1: Go to the Service menu.

Image of S3 service menu

Step 2: Click on Storage section

Image of storage section

Step 3: Click on S3 to open the S3 dashboard.

Image of S3 dashboard section

Step 4: From the S3 dashboard, you can create new buckets, upload files, manage storage classes, and set permissions. Use the navigation bar to switch between Buckets, Access Points, Storage Lens, etc.

Image of S3 dashboard control page

IAM (Identity and Access Management): Use this to manage user access and control permissions securely.

Image of IAM homepage

Navigating to IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Step 1: Go to the Services menu.

Image of IAM services menu

Step 2: Click the Security, Identity, & Compliance section.

Image of Security, Identity, & Compliance section

Step 3: Next, click on IAM.

Image of clicking on IAM

Step 4: This will open the IAM dashboard, where you can manage users, groups, roles, and policies.

Image IAM dashboard

Tips for Navigation

Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top of the AWS Management Console to quickly find any service by typing its name (e.g., EC2, S3, IAM).

Pinning Services: You can also pin frequently used services to the navigation bar for easy access by clicking the pin icon next to each service in the Services menu.

Make sure to explore the AWS Free Tier to experiment with services without incurring costs. Familiarize yourself with key settings and service limits to avoid unexpected charges.

Setting Up Basic IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Properly managing user access is crucial for both security and cost management.

Create an IAM User with Administrator Privileges:

Log into your root account and start by creating a dedicated IAM user with admin privileges, not using your root account enhances security by limiting access to sensitive functions.

Step-by-Step Instructions to create an IAM user with Administrator Privileges*:

Step 1: Go to the IAM dashboard.

Homepage of IAM dashboard

Step 2: Click on Users

Image arrow clicking on users

Step 3: Click on Create user.

Image of arrow clicking on create user

Step 4: Add User name

Image of User name section

Step 5: Assign the user to the AdministratorAccess policy.

Assigning the user Administrator-Access policy

Step 6: Review and Create and click on Create User

Creating user section

You should see User Successfully Created at the top of your screen.

Finish page of created user

Set Up an IAM Group for General Users:

Create an IAM group for your team with appropriate access policies. For example, developers might need full access to EC2 but only read-only access to billing information.

Step-by-Step Instructions to set up an IAM group:

Step 1: In the IAM dashboard, go to Groups

IAM dashboard section

Step 2: Click on Create Group

Image of create group section

Step 3: Give your Group a name.

Naming the group created

Step 4: Next, add users to the group

Adding users tithe group

Step 5: Attach relevant policies

Attaching relevant policies

Step 6: Click on Create user group

Create user group section

Now you have your group.

Home page of groups

Assign Basic Policies and Permissions:

Start with managed policies such as ReadOnlyAccess or PowerUserAccess. This limits exposure to potential errors and keeps your AWS environment secure.

Assigning Basic Policies and Permissions in IAM

When setting up IAM users in AWS, assigning the right policies and permissions is crucial for managing access and ensuring security. Policies define what actions a user can perform on AWS resources, and understanding how to assign them effectively can prevent unauthorized access and minimize security risks.

Understanding Basic Policies

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies are JSON documents that define what actions are allowed or denied for specific AWS resources.

There are two main types of policies you might work with:

Managed Policies: These are pre-defined by AWS and are a good starting point for common use cases. AWS provides a variety of managed policies for different services and tasks, such as AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess or AmazonEC2FullAccess.

Inline Policies: These are custom policies attached directly to a specific IAM user, group, or role. Inline policies offer fine-grained control and are useful when you need to tailor permissions for specific needs. However, they can become cumbersome to manage as your environment grows.

Assigning Policies to IAM Users

Assigning policies to IAM users is key to managing who can do what in AWS. By attaching policies, you control access to different resources, making sure users have just the right permissions for their roles. This keeps your environment secure while giving your team the tools they need to get their work done.

Attach Managed Policies:

Follow these steps to attach managed policies to your IAM users.

Step 1: Select Users from the IAM dashboard

Selecting Users from the IAM dashboard

Step 2: Click on the User you want to assign permissions.

Image of user Abiola

Step 3: Click on the Permissions tab

Image of permissions tab section

Step 4: click on Add permissions.

adding permission section

Step 5: Choose Attach policies directly

Image of attaching policy

Step 6: Select from the list of managed policies.

Image of managed policies

Step 7: Scroll down and click on Next

Image of arrow clicking on next

Step 8: Review the policies and click Add permissions.

Image of policies and adding permission

Create and Attach Inline Policies:

Step-by-step instructions on how to create and attach inline policies:

Step 1: From the IAM dashboard, select the User you want.

Image of IAM dashboard

Step 2: Go to the Permissions tab.

Image of permissions tab

Step 3: Click Create inline policy

Image of creating inline policies

Step 4: Use the Visual editor or JSON editor to define the policy.

defining policies section

Step 5: Click on Visual for this guide

Image of virtual policies section

Step 6: Select service and click on s3 (like s3:GetObject)

Image of s3 section

Step 7: Type GetObject in Actions allowed and select actions from the service to be allowed.

Image virtual policies section

Step 8: Choose ANY in the resources section to grant permissions to any resources of that type.

Image of resources section

Step 9: Click Next

arrow clicking on next

Step 10: Give your policy a name

naming your policy section

Step 11: Review the policy and click Create policy to attach it to the selected user.

Image of arrow clicking policiees

Best Practices for Policy Assignment

Follow the Principle of Least Privilege: Only grant the permissions necessary for a user to perform their job. Avoid using overly permissive policies, which can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Use Groups for Common Permissions: Assign users to groups with predefined policies to manage permissions more efficiently. This is especially useful for larger teams where multiple users need the same access.

Regularly Review and Adjust Permissions: Periodically review IAM policies and permissions to ensure they are still appropriate. As your team or projects evolve, adjust permissions to match current needs.
By carefully assigning basic policies and permissions, you ensure that your AWS environment remains secure and that users have the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks effectively.

Leveraging AWS Pricing Models

Image of AWS Pricing Models

Understanding AWS pricing models helps you avoid unnecessary costs:

On-Demand Pricing: Ideal for short-term, unpredictable workloads. You only pay for what you use without any long-term commitments.

On-Demand Pricing

Reserved Instances and Savings Plans: If you have predictable workloads, consider these options to save up to 72% over on-demand pricing.

Image Reserved Instances and Savings Plans

Spot Instances: Use these for flexible workloads to take advantage of up to 90% discounts. Great for batch processing or data analysis tasks that can be interrupted.

Image of Spot Instances

Cost Optimization Tools

Image Cost Optimization Tools

AWS provides several tools to help you monitor and control spending:

AWS Cost Explorer: Use this tool to analyze spending patterns, set up forecasts, and identify cost-saving opportunities.

Image of Cost Explorer

AWS Budgets: Set custom budgets to track costs and receive alerts when spending exceeds thresholds.

Image of AWS Budgets

AWS Trusted Advisor: Leverage this tool to get personalized recommendations for cost optimization, security improvements, and performance enhancement.

Implementing Advanced Cost Management Strategies.

This means using smart methods to control spending, cut down on waste, and make the best use of your money. This can include predicting costs, setting automated budget limits, and tracking usage to get the most value from every expense.

To keep costs under control, apply these strategies:

Use Resource Tagging: Tag your resources to track spending by project or department. This makes it easier to identify cost drivers.

Image of Resource Tagging

Right-Size Your Resources: Regularly review and adjust your instances, storage, and other resources to match your current needs.

Image of Right-Size Your Resources

Optimize Data Transfer: Minimize costs associated with data transfer by using services like Amazon CloudFront for content delivery.

Monitoring and Automation.

Continuous monitoring and automation will help keep your environment cost-efficient

Use AWS CloudWatch: Set up alarms and dashboards to monitor usage, performance, and costs in real-time.

AWS CloudWatch

Automate with AWS CloudFormation: Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate deployments, reducing manual errors and streamlining operations.

AWS CloudFormation

Securing Your AWS Environment.

Protecting your AWS environment involves implementing best practices to safeguard your data, applications, and resources from unauthorized access and potential threats. Security is vital when setting up a cloud environment

Implement IAM Best Practices: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA), apply the principle of least privilege, and regularly audit permissions.

Enable AWS Security Tools: Use services like AWS Shield for DDoS protection and AWS Config for compliance checks.


By setting up a cost-effective AWS environment, managing user access with IAM, leveraging cost optimization tools, and selecting the right services, you can ensure your startup makes the most out of AWS without overspending. Regular monitoring, automation, and a focus on security will further enhance efficiency, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth.

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