Parking Lot System: Code

server side digest - May 7 '23 - - Dev Community

🔥 We'll start from building a Spring Boot Application. Because of some inbuilt annotations. For example: If you want to use Getter setters in the following class:-

package src.entities;

import src.enums.VehicleType;

public class Ticket {
    int floorNo;
    int price;
    String name;
    long time;
    VehicleType vehicleType;
    ParkingSpot parkingSpot;
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Then you have to write code for a constructor and getters and setters of floorNo, price, name etc.

Spring Boot

Yes, you don't need to learn Spring Boot, Just go through this blog to know about its basic things.

Note:- As in our previous blog of Parking Lot System Design, we discussed about its various components and design in this series of LLD (Low level design)

😎 Today We'll go through the code of Parking lot system

📍 We will implement few of the components like ParkingSpot, Vehicle, VehicleType, ParkingStraegy, Ticket etc.

You can refer this code and further can build Entrance, CostComputation etc

🎉 Let's go through the code

📍 Our Entities are:-

  • ParkingSpot
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking.ParkingType;

public interface ParkingSpot {
    public boolean isEmpty();
    public void occupy();
    public void vacateParkingSpot();
    public ParkingType getType();

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  • Ticket
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class Ticket {
    int floorNo;
    int price;
    String name;
    long time;
    Vehicle vehicle;
    ParkingSpot parkingSpot;
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  • Vehicle
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.enums.VehicleType;

public class Vehicle {
    VehicleType vehicleType;
    String color;
    String vehicleNumber;
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📍 Our enum is:-

  • VehicleType
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.enums;

public enum VehicleType {

    private final String value;

    private VehicleType(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;
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📍 Our Parking Components are:-

  • ParkingSpotStrategy
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.ParkingSpot;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

public interface ParkingSpotStrategy {
    Optional<ParkingSpot> findParkingSpot(List<ParkingSpot> parkings);
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  • DefaultParkingSpotStrategy
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.ParkingSpot;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

public class DefaultParkingStrategy implements  ParkingSpotStrategy{

    public Optional<ParkingSpot> findParkingSpot(List<ParkingSpot> parkings){
                .filter(parkingSpot -> parkingSpot.getType().equals(ParkingType.TWO_WHEELER) && parkingSpot.isEmpty())
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  • ParkingSpotManager
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.ParkingSpot;
import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.Ticket;
import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.Vehicle;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

public class ParkingSpotManager {
    private List<ParkingSpot> parkings;
    public Optional<ParkingSpot> findParkingSpot(ParkingSpotStrategy ps){
        return ps.findParkingSpot(parkings);

    public boolean parkVehicle(Vehicle v, Ticket t, ParkingSpotStrategy ps){
        Optional<ParkingSpot> parkingSpot = findParkingSpot(ps);
            return true;
        return false;
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  • ParkingType
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking;

public enum ParkingType {

    private final String value;

    ParkingType(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;
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  • TwoWheelerParkingSpot
package com.parkinglotsystem.main.parking;

import com.parkinglotsystem.main.entities.ParkingSpot;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class TwoWheelerParkingSpot implements ParkingSpot {
    private boolean isOccupied;
    private int noOfFloor;
    private int price;

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return !isOccupied;

    public void occupy(){
        this.isOccupied = true;

    public void vacateParkingSpot(){
       this.isOccupied = false;

    public ParkingType getType(){
        return ParkingType.TWO_WHEELER;
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Note that we used different annotations like

@Getter @Setter @AllArgCsConstructor
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These annotations are provided by lombok that is included in build.gradle file so that it can be imported.

🚀 That was it for today, You will get an understanding of how to code from LLD and How easy it is. Further you can complete this code and make a PR to contribute to this project.

Thanks and Follow for more

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