The Best Habit Tracking Apps on iPhone

Jose Rodríguez - Jun 3 - - Dev Community

In the pursuit of personal growth, forming good habits is indisputably beneficial. For those seeking a little digital assistance in tracking their daily routines and goals, iPhone apps have become invaluable tools. These applications not only help in building and maintaining good habits but also offer insights into one's behavior and progress. Below, we explore some of the best habit tracking apps available on iPhone, perfect for anyone looking to boost their productivity and well-being.



Habitica turns the mundane task of habit tracking into a fun, game-like experience. Users can create characters, earn rewards, and level up as they succeed in their real-life goals. This RPG-style app is especially appealing to those who thrive on visual and interactive motivation. The community aspect of Habitica also allows you to engage with friends or other users, making the journey towards your goals a shared and supportive experience.


As the name suggests, Streaks focuses on maintaining continuous progress in up to 12 habits. The app is highly intuitive, offering a simple interface where you can tap to mark a habit as complete. Streaks work with Apple Health to automatically track certain activities like walking or meditation, providing a seamless integration with your health data. For those who appreciate minimalistic design and straightforward functionality, Streaks is a top choice.


Done allows users to set and track goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Its strength lies in its flexibility and ease of use, allowing for multiple habit tracking without overwhelming the user. You can customize the app with various colors and create bar graphs to visually analyze your progress over time. For those who want a simple yet comprehensive overview of their habits, Done offers just that.


Forest offers a unique approach to habit tracking by encouraging you to focus on tasks while growing virtual trees. The more time you spend away from your phone and focused on your task, the more your forest flourishes. It's particularly useful for those aiming to decrease screen time and increase productivity. The environmental twist? Forest partners with real-tree planting organizations, turning your virtual achievements into actual tree plantings.


For those looking to improve their domestic habits, Tody offers a practical solution. Unlike standard cleaning apps, Tody uses an "optimization algorithm" to suggest cleaning tasks based on need rather than arbitrary dates. This means it adapts to your personal cleaning pace and encourages you to clean more efficiently. Its user-friendly interface and practical approach make it an excellent choice for managing household tasks.


Whether you're looking to build new habits, maintain streaks, or find creative motivation, there's a habit tracking app on the iPhone that can cater to your needs. Each app offers unique features that can help transform your daily routines into meaningful accomplishments. By choosing the right app, you can enhance your productivity, improve your well-being, and embark on a journey of personal development. Choose wisely, and let your smartphone be your guide on the path to a better you.

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