Today I will show you how to build a simple desktop organization script using the watchdog module, which observes the Desktop for any changes.
The basic idea is when you put a file on a desktop it will automatically be deleted and moved to a given folder.
import watchdog.observers
import shutil
class Handler(
def __init__(self):, patterns=['*.txt', '*.png', '*.jpg'], ignore_patterns = None,
ignore_directories = False, case_sensitive = True)
def on_created(self, event):
print(f"Created at {event.src_path}")
if event.src_path.endswith('.txt'):
shutil.move(event.src_path, r'C:\Users\Stokry\Desktop\Text_Documents')
elif event.src_path.endswith('.png') or event.src_path.endswith('.jpg'):
shutil.move(event.src_path, r'C:\Users\Stokry\Desktop\Image_docs')
def on_deleted(self, event):
print(f"Deleted at {event.src_path}")
event_handler = Handler()
observer = watchdog.observers.Observer()
observer.schedule(event_handler, r'C:\Users\Stokry\Desktop', recursive = False)
This is a very simple way to do it, you can build a more complex script.