4 Methods to Send Emails Using Node.js (w/ Codes - Nodemailer Module, Gmail API, Postmark API & SuprSend)

Nik L. - Jan 16 - - Dev Community

Some of our articles:

  1. Building a Scalable Notification System with gRPC and Microservices
  2. How to Send Email Notifications using Python? (With Code Examples)
  3. A Complete Guide on Notification Infrastructure for Modern Applications in 2023

Method 1: Using the Nodemailer Module

1.1 Installation and Setup

npm install nodemailer --save
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Create emailSender.js:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

// Setup Nodemailer transporter
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'gmail',
  auth: {
    user: 'your-email@gmail.com',
    pass: 'your-email-password'

// ... rest of the code
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1.2 Creating a Nodemailer Transporter

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'gmail',
  auth: {
    user: 'your-email@gmail.com',
    pass: 'your-email-password'
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1.3 Setting Message Options

const mailOptions = {
  to: 'test@example.com',
  from: 'your-email@gmail.com',
  subject: 'Subject',
  text: 'Body'
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1.4 Sending Emails with Attachments

const mailOptionsWithAttachment = {
  // ... other options
  attachments: [
      filename: 'file.txt',
      path: '/path/to/file.txt'
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1.5 HTML Emails with Dynamic Content

Install email-templates and pug:

npm install email-templates pug --save
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Update emailSender.js as per your template.

1.6 Now, create your email templates.

Let's focus on a common scenario: sending a welcome email for new user registration.

Create subject.pug:

= `Hi #{firstName} #{lastName}, welcome to My App!`
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Create html.pug:

h1 Hello #{firstName} #{lastName}
  Welcome to My App! Now your test emails will be safe.
  We just need to make sure your account is real.
a(href='https://example.com/confirmation') Confirm!
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Ensure your directory structure looks like this:

├── app.js
├── emails
│   └── welcome
│       ├── html.pug
│       └── subject.pug
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1.7 Sending Emails with Dynamic Content

Now, let's modify our Node.js application to use these templates:

// ... (previous code)

// Step 5: Create an email-templates instance
const Email = require('email-templates');
const email = new Email({
  message: {
    from: 'hi@example.com',
  send: true,
  transport: {
    host: 'smtp.mailtrap.io',
    port: 2525,
    ssl: false,
    tls: true,
    auth: {
      user: 'your-mailtrap-username',
      pass: 'your-mailtrap-password',

// Step 6: Define user data
const people = [
  { firstName: 'Diana', lastName: 'One', email: 'diana@example.com' },
  { firstName: 'Alex', lastName: 'Another', email: 'alex@example.com' },

// Step 7: Send emails for each user
people.forEach((person) => {
      template: 'welcome',
      message: {
        to: person.email,
      locals: person,
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Replace placeholder values in the code with your actual credentials.

Method 2: Sending Emails with Gmail SMTP

2.1 Gmail SMTP Configuration

npm install nodemailer --save
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Create gmailSender.js:

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'gmail',
  auth: {
    user: 'your-email@gmail.com',
    pass: 'your-email-password'

// ... rest of the code
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2.2 App Password for Enhanced Security

Follow the steps for generating an App Password.

2.3 Sending an Email with Gmail SMTP

Update gmailSender.js:

const mailOptions = {
  to: 'test@example.com',
  from: 'your-email@gmail.com',
  subject: 'Subject',
  text: 'Body'
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2.4 Advanced Usage: oAuth2 Authentication

Include oAuth2 authentication in gmailSender.js:

// oAuth2 authentication
const oauth2Client = new OAuth2(

// ... rest of the code
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Method 3: Sending Emails using a Transactional Email API (e.g., Postmark)

Step 1: Sign Up for Postmark and Create API Token

  1. Sign up for Postmark.
  2. Create an API token in your Postmark account.

Step 2: Install the Postmark JavaScript Client

npm install --save postmark
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Step 3: Create postmark.js

Create a file named postmark.js:

const postmark = require('postmark');

const client = new postmark.ServerClient('YOUR_POSTMARK_API_TOKEN');

const message = {
  From: 'your-email@example.com',
  To: 'recipient@example.com',
  Subject: 'Subject of the Email',
  TextBody: 'Text content of the email',
  HtmlBody: '<strong>HTML content of the email</strong>',

  .then((response) => {
    console.log('Email sent\n', response);
  .catch((error) => {
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Step 4: Update postmark.js

Replace 'YOUR_POSTMARK_API_TOKEN' with the API token you obtained from your Postmark account.

Method 4: Using SuprSend - Third-Party Multichannel Notification Infrastructure with Node SDK

Step I: Log in to the SuprSend Account

Visit the SuprSend login page and enter your Email Address and Password. Try SuprSend for free.

Image description

Step II: Integrate with Email(s)

Install SuprSend using npm or yarn.

Image description

Step III: Create & Load Template

Create templates using the drag & drop editor.

Image description

Step IV: Create Smart Flow (Routing)

Define rules and logic for notification flows.

Image description

Step V: Trigger a Notification Event via API

Integrate the SuprSend API into your Node application.

        npm install @suprsend/node-sdk

        # to upgrade to latest SDK version
        npm install @suprsend/node-sdk@latest

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          const {Suprsend} = require("@suprsend/node-sdk");

          // Initialize SDK
          const supr_client = new Suprsend("WORKSPACE KEY", "WORKSPACE SECRET");

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Step VI: Check Event Analytics And Logs

View granular channel-wise and vendor-wise analytics through the unified dashboard. Explore more about logs.

Image description

You may want to check out other SuprSend SDKs too. Consider giving us a star after usage. It's free and open.

GitHub logo suprsend / suprsend-go

SuprSend SDK for go


SuprSend Go SDK


go get github.com/suprsend/suprsend-go
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Initialize the SuprSend SDK

import (

    suprsend "github.com/suprsend/suprsend-go"

func main() {
    opts := []suprsend.ClientOption{
        // suprsend.WithDebug(true),
    suprClient, err := suprsend.NewClient("__api_key__", "__api_secret__", opts...)
    if err != nil {
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Trigger Workflow

package main
import (

    suprsend "github.com/suprsend/suprsend-go"

func main() {
    // Instantiate Client
    suprClient, err := suprsend.NewClient("__api_key__", "__api_secret__")
    if err != nil {
    // Create WorkflowTriggerRequest body
    wfReqBody := map[string]interface{}{
        "workflow": "workflow-slug",
        "recipients": []map[string]interface{}{
                "distinct_id": "0f988f74-6982-41c5-8752-facb6911fb08",
                // if $channels is present, communication will be tried on mentioned channels only (for this request).
                // "$channels": []string{"email"},
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GitHub logo suprsend / suprsend-py-sdk

SuprSend SDK for python3


This package can be included in a python3 project to easily integrate with SuprSend platform.


suprsend-py-sdk is available on PyPI. You can install using pip.

pip install suprsend-py-sdk
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This SDK depends on a system package called libmagic. You can install it as follows:

# On debian based systems
sudo apt install libmagic

# If you are using macOS
brew install libmagic
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Initialize the SuprSend SDK

from suprsend import Suprsend
# Initialize SDK
supr_client = Suprsend("workspace_key", "workspace_secret")
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Following example shows a sample request for triggering a workflow. It triggers a pre-created workflow purchase-made to a recipient with id: distinct_id, email: user@example.com & androidpush(fcm-token): __android_push_fcm_token__

from suprsend import WorkflowTriggerRequest
# Prepare Workflow body
wf = WorkflowTriggerRequest(
    "workflow": "purchase-made"
    "recipients": [
          "distinct_id": "0f988f74-6982-41c5-8752-facb6911fb08",
          # if $channels is present, communication will be tried on mentioned
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GitHub logo suprsend / suprsend-node-sdk

Official SuprSend SDK for Node.js


This package can be included in a node project to easily integrate with SuprSend platform.


npm install @suprsend/node-sdk@latest
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const { Suprsend } = require("@suprsend/node-sdk");

const supr_client = new Suprsend("workspace_key", "workspace_secret");
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It is a unified API to trigger workflow and doesn't require user creation before hand. If you are using our frontend SDK's to configure notifications and passing events and user properties from third-party data platforms like Segment, then event-based trigger would be a better choice.

const { Suprsend, WorkflowTriggerRequest } = require("@suprsend/node-sdk");
const supr_client = new Suprsend("workspace_key", "workspace_secret");

// workflow payload
const body = {
  workflow: "_workflow_slug_",
  actor: {
    distinct_id: "0fxxx8f74-xxxx-41c5-8752-xxxcb6911fb08",
    name: "actor_1",
  recipients: [
      distinct_id: "0gxxx9f14-xxxx-23c5-1902-xxxcb6912ab09",
      $email: ["abc@example.com"
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GitHub logo suprsend / suprsend-react-inbox

SuprSend SDK for integrating inbox functionality in React applications


Integrating SuprSend Inbox channel in React websites can be done in two ways:

  • SuprSendInbox component which comes with UI and customizing props.
  • SuprSendProvider headless component and hooks, incase you want to totally take control of UI. (example: Full page notifications).

Detailed documentation can be found here: https://docs.suprsend.com/docs/inbox-react


You can install SuprSend inbox SDK using npm/yarn

npm install @suprsend/react-inbox
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SuprSendInbox Integration

After installing, Import the component in your code and use it as given below. Replace the variables with actual values.

import SuprSendInbox from '@suprsend/react-inbox'
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css' // needed for toast notifications, can be ignored if hideToast=true

// add to your react component;
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interface ISuprSendInbox {
  workspaceKey: string
  distinctId: string | null
  subscriberId: string | null
  tenantId?: string
  stores?: IStore[]
  pageSize?: number
  pagination?: boolean
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