Edureka DevOps Certification Project

Swapnil Suresh Mohite - Aug 16 - - Dev Community

I'm thrilled to share my journey through the Edureka DevOps Certification Project, where I tackled a real-world challenge for Abstergo Corp., a retail company looking to streamline their deployment process. This project involved building an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline that automated everything from code integration to deployment on a Kubernetes cluster.

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Key Achievements:
Continuous Integration: Automated Jenkins pipelines triggered by GitHub commits.
Containerization: Dockerized applications, with images pushed to Docker Hub.
Continuous Deployment: Automated deployments to a Kubernetes cluster.
Scalability: Implemented Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) for optimal performance.
Monitoring: Set up Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki for comprehensive monitoring and logging.
If you're interested in getting hands-on with this project, feel free to ping me on LinkedIn : or check out the GitHub repository for all the details.
GitHub repository 📢

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