When preparing your LinkedIn profile, make sure to include a list of your technical skills, then endorse skills of your connections and/or ask others for endorsements*.
Here’s a list of some skills you could add to your LinkedIn skills (or, if they are framework-specific, find an equivalent in your language). This is not an exhaustive list — just a stub and written from the perspective of folks with Rails/JS background to give you an idea. Add whatever methodology or language you've used!
Programming languages and software
List the programming languages and software your program or self-studies covered, for instance:
- Web Development
- Web Applications
- Software Development
- ActiveRecord
- Front-end Development
- Back-end Development
- Full-stack Development
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Sinatra
- JavaScript
- ES6
- React.js
- Redux.js
- Node.js
- Express
- Git
- Github if you deployed your projects:
- Heroku
- Netlify
- Firebase and if you are interested in accessibility:
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
- Accessibility
- Test-Driven Development
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Technical Writing
- Debugging
Soft skills
only if you have space — apparently no recruiter would be looking for soft skills
- Constructive Feedback
- Teamwork
- Project Management
- Public Speaking
- Problem Solving
- Collaborative Problem Solving
*apparently, endorsements are just a vanity thing and do not help with getting noticed by a recruiter; still, not all people who will view your profile are recruiters
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels