How to Remove an Item from an Array in React State

Syazwan - Jun 11 - - Dev Community

Removing an item from an array in React state is straightforward using the filter method. This method creates a new array without the specified item.


Initial Array:

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
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Create a New Array without the Item:

const new_arr = arr.filter((item) => item !== 2);
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console.log(new_arr); // [1, 3]
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Implementation in React

Delete items in React

State Initialization

The state items is initialized with an array of strings.

const [items, setItems] = useState([
  "Item One",
  "Item Two",
  "Item Three",
  "Item Four",
  "Item Five",
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Removing an Item

The removeItem function uses setItems to update the state. It filters out the item to be removed by creating a new array that excludes the specified item.

const removeItem = (itemToRemove) => {
  setItems((prevItem) => prevItem.filter((item) => item !== itemToRemove));
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Rendering Items

The items are mapped to display each one with a Delete button. Clicking the button triggers removeItem to update the state.

<div className="p-8 flex flex-col gap-4 items-start">
  { => (
    <div key={item} className="text-sm flex border px-2 py-1 items-center">
      <p className="w-32">{item}</p>
        className="border rounded bg-red-600 p-1 text-slate-200"
        onClick={() => removeItem(item)}
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Full code

import { useState } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [items, setItems] = useState([
    "Item One",
    "Item Two",
    "Item Three",
    "Item Four",
    "Item Five",

  const removeItem = (itemToRemove) => {
    setItems((prevItem) => prevItem.filter((item) => item !== itemToRemove));

  return (
    <div className="p-8 flex flex-col gap-4 items-start">
      { => (
        <div key={item} className="text-sm flex border px-2 py-1 items-center">
          <p className="w-32">{item}</p>
            className="border rounded bg-red-600 p-1 text-slate-200"
            onClick={() => removeItem(item)}

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Using the filter method in React allows you to effectively manage and update arrays in the state, ensuring a clean and efficient way to remove items.

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