How to perform Technical SEO audit in June 2024

Taiwo Shobo - Jun 21 - - Dev Community


Technical SEO is a critical component of search engine optimization that focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website to ensure it is effectively crawled, indexed, and ranked by search engines. A technical SEO audit is a thorough analysis of these technical elements to identify issues and opportunities for optimization. This guide will walk you through the steps and considerations necessary for performing a comprehensive technical SEO audit.

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Website Crawlability and Indexability


Crawlability refers to the ability of search engine bots to access and navigate your website. To ensure your site is crawlable, you should:

  • Robots.txt File: Check your robots.txt file to ensure it doesn't block essential pages or sections of your site. Use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog to analyze your robots.txt file.
  • XML Sitemap: Make sure your XML sitemap is properly formatted and submitted to search engines. The sitemap should include all important pages and be regularly updated.
  • URL Structure: Use a clean and logical URL structure. Avoid excessive URL parameters and ensure URLs are SEO-friendly.
  • Internal Linking: Maintain a robust internal linking structure to help search engines discover new pages. Ensure that there are no broken links.


Indexability determines whether search engines can index the pages they have crawled. Key factors include:

  • Meta Robots Tags: Check for pages with the "noindex" directive in the meta robots tag, which instructs search engines not to index them.
  • Canonical Tags: Ensure canonical tags are used correctly to avoid duplicate content issues. The canonical URL should point to the preferred version of a page.
  • Server Response Codes: Ensure that your pages return the correct HTTP status codes. For example, 200 for successful pages, 404 for not found, and 301/302 for redirects.

Site Speed and Performance

Page Speed

Page speed is a crucial ranking factor and affects user experience. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or Lighthouse to evaluate your site's speed. Key areas to address include:

  • Image Optimization: Compress and resize images to reduce load times. Use next-gen formats like WebP.
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Minify these files to remove unnecessary characters and improve load times.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: Enable browser caching to store static resources, reducing the need to reload them with each visit.
  • Reduce Server Response Time: Optimize server response times by using a reliable hosting provider and optimizing server configurations.

Mobile Optimization

With the increasing use of mobile devices, mobile optimization is essential. To ensure your site is mobile-friendly:

  • Responsive Design: Implement a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Mobile Page Speed: Focus on improving mobile page speed. Use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for faster loading times.
  • Mobile Usability: Check for mobile usability issues using Google Search Console. Ensure touch elements are appropriately sized and spaced.

Opt-in for a hosting company that offers WordPress hosting can further streamline your site management.

Site Architecture and Navigation

Clear Site Structure

A well-organized site structure helps both users and search engines navigate your site:

  • Logical Hierarchy: Organize your content into categories and subcategories, maintaining a clear hierarchy.
  • Breadcrumbs: Implement breadcrumb navigation to enhance user experience and internal linking.
  • Flat Structure: Aim for a flat site structure where important pages are not more than three clicks away from the homepage.

URL Structure

Ensure your URLs are clean and descriptive:

  • Short and Descriptive: Use short, descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords.
  • Avoid Dynamic Parameters: Minimize the use of dynamic URL parameters and session IDs.
  • Consistent Structure: Maintain a consistent URL structure throughout your site.

On-Page SEO Elements

Meta Tags

Meta tags are crucial for conveying information to search engines:

  • Title Tags: Ensure each page has a unique, descriptive title tag that includes relevant keywords.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write compelling meta descriptions for each page to improve click-through rates.
  • Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Use header tags to structure your content. Each page should have one H1 tag that includes the primary keyword.

Content Quality

High-quality content is essential for SEO:

  • Unique and Valuable Content: Ensure your content is unique, valuable, and relevant to your audience.
  • Keyword Optimization: Optimize content for relevant keywords without keyword stuffing.
  • Content-Length: Longer content tends to perform better in search rankings, but ensure it remains high-quality and relevant.

Technical Aspects


Ensure your site is secure by using HTTPS:

  • SSL Certificate: Install an SSL certificate to encrypt data and improve security. Check for mixed content issues where some resources load over HTTP.

Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand your content:

  • Schema Markup: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with additional information about your content. Use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your markup.
  • Rich Snippets: Enhance search results with rich snippets by using appropriate schema types (e.g., reviews, recipes, events).

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can harm your SEO efforts:

  • Canonicalization: Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page.
  • 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects for duplicate content or outdated pages.
  • Content Management: Regularly audit your site for duplicate content and consolidate where necessary.

Log File Analysis

Log file analysis provides insights into how search engines crawl your site:

  • Identify Crawl Errors: Detect and fix crawl errors by analyzing server log files.
  • Bot Behavior: Understand which pages are frequently crawled and which are ignored by search engines.
  • Crawl Budget Optimization: Optimize your crawl budget by ensuring important pages are prioritized for crawling.

Tools and Resources

Essential Tools

Several tools can assist with your technical SEO audit:

  • Google Search Console: Provides insights into your site's performance, crawl errors, and search analytics.
  • Google Analytics: Tracks user behavior and identifies pages with high bounce rates or low engagement.
  • Screaming Frog: A powerful website crawler for analyzing technical SEO issues.
  • Ahrefs: Offers comprehensive SEO analysis, including backlink analysis and site audits.
  • GTmetrix: Analyzes page speed and performance issues.

Additional Resources

Keep up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices:

  • Google Webmaster Central Blog: Official updates and guidelines from Google.
  • Moz Blog: Industry insights and SEO tips.
  • Search Engine Journal: News, guides, and expert opinions on SEO.


A technical SEO audit is an essential process for maintaining and improving your website's performance in search engine rankings. By systematically addressing crawlability, indexability, site speed, mobile optimization, site architecture, on-page SEO elements, technical aspects, and log file analysis, you can ensure your site is well-optimized for search engines. Regular audits will help you stay ahead of potential issues and keep your website in optimal health for search engine visibility and user experience.

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