Use git pull --rebase origin develop when you pull latest develop branch

Takahiro Fukushima - Jun 1 - - Dev Community

git pull --rebase origin develop

What a useful command!
When you join develop team, you always use git.
When you complete code and push it to remote repository, you look conflict message, so it slightly sad.

Then Whenever you use git pull --rebase origin develop.


Development team must follow Git-Flow.
It's branch strategy.

main branch
develop branch
feature branch
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When use it

First you create new feature branch.
Second you're coding.
Third you enter git pull --rebase origin develop, after Lunch.
So develop branch may have been updated.

It's also good when coding is done, you enter it.

If there is nothing else,

Successfully rebased and updated xxxx
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OK, No Conflict.
Let's push it.

But you catch conflict message, you fix code.

You enter blow command after you fix it.

git add fixed file
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You enter blow command.

git status
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If it's no conflict,

nothing to commit, working tree clean
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Ok, next you enter blow command, so you finish rebase.

git rebase --continue
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If It's no problem,

Successfully rebased and updated xxxxxx
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How about it?
It's easy way.
But you carefully research rebase and pull, so you use command.

Have a good engineer life.

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