5 Top Roam Research Alternatives

Taskade - Nov 9 '22 - - Dev Community

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What is Roam Research?

Roam Research is a note-taking tool that allows users to link their notes together. If you're familiar with the Zettelkasten method of knowledge management, then Roam is perfect for you. This is because it excels in linking information together and forming a web of interconnected nodes.

Roam offers a more visual approach to note-taking and knowledge management as it allows you to view your connected notes in a mind-map-like view. 

Although Roam excels as a personal knowledge management tool, it offers only basic collaborative features and also has a steep learning curve. 

Who is Roam Research Best Suited For?

Roam Research can double up as both a note-taking tool and a task-management tool. You can use it to write and organize notes while also managing simple tasks.

Here are some use cases that Roam is best suited for:

  • Note-takers
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Individuals

Ideally, Roam works best as a personal knowledge management tool. Its lack of collaboration features means if you're looking for team software, then you might have to look elsewhere.

What Are The Disadvantages of Roam Research?

Although Roam is an excellent personal knowledge management tool, there are several limitations that come with it. Here are two of the main disadvantages when it comes to Roam Research.

Lack Of Communication Features

Communication is key for project management. Roam Research does not have powerful communication features to help you collaborate efficiently and get work done. 

Besides sharing and collaborating on your notes, there's not much you can do when it comes to communication. This makes it underpowered when it comes to communicating and working together on projects 

Steep Learning Curve

Roam research is a powerful tool for personal knowledge management, but only if you learn how to use it the way it's meant to. 

It's hard to master Roam quickly as there is a steep learning curve if you want to use it to manage your knowledge properly. There is also a lack of resources to help you with your onboarding process.

Although there is a community that you can turn to for support, there are also paid onboarding resources that you can rely on. The bottom line is, if you're a beginner note-taker, it's going to be hard to learn and master Roam Research.

Additionally, Roam Research is also expensive to use when compared to alternative note-taking applications in the market.

If you're looking for more alternatives to manage your knowledge, have a look at our list of the best second-brain apps you can use today.

The 5 Best Roam Research Alternatives


Imagine an application that allows you to take detailed notes with infinite hierarchies, organize and manage projects and tasks, and even collaborate via built-in video chat with your team, and more, via an all-in-one unified workspace. Well, look no further because Taskade is the perfect solution for you.

Taskade is a Y Combinator-backed supercharged online productivity app that both individuals and teams can use to collaborate on projects in real-time. With Taskade, remote teams and individuals can get work done faster and smarter.

Most personal knowledge management apps are built with an offline-first approach for individual use. This is where Taskade differs from the competition.

While Taskade is working towards an offline feature, we do offer advanced collaboration and communication features with full encryption on sync. If you want to get work done together as a team, Taskade is one of the best outliner apps for you.

Looking for the best Logseq alternative? Taskade is the best bet for modern knowledge workers. Get started instantly for free today.

Key Features of Taskade

Taskade is stacked with features to help you take notes and manage your to-do lists and projects. Designed for remote teams, Taskade lets you get work done from anywhere.

Here's a table containing some of Taskade's key features.

| 🗂️ Content Organization | Workspaces, folders and tags |
| 🤖 Markdown Support | ✅ |
| ⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts | ✅ |
| 👩‍💻 Collaboration | Comments, chat, and unlimited video calls |
| 🔗 Internal Linking Feature | ✅ |
| ✅ Task Management | ✅ |
| 📑 Outlining Templates | 300+ customizable templates |
| 🔄 Version History | Free 7-day version history |
| 🌓 Dark Mode | ✅ |

What Are Some Pros Of Taskade?

  • Free-forever plan is loaded with features
  • Real-time collaboration within the same project 
  • Free built-in video call and chat function in each project
  • Customizable templates to give you a headstart
  • Work and chat in the same window, in the same app
  • Frequent updates based on user feedback and suggestions
  • Tabbed workflow for working with multiple Projects

What Are Some Cons Of Taskade?

  • No Gantt view (yet)

How Much Does Taskade Cost?


What is Obsidian?

Obsidian is a note-taking software that works as a second-brain application for knowledge management. It's ability to create a web of interconnected notes makes it one of the best note-taking apps out there today.

Created by Erica Xu and Shida Li during the quarantine period of Covid-19 in 2020, the outliner tool has gained traction with over 50,000 members in their Discord community, all while still remaining as a two-man team.

Features of Obsidian

  • Markdown support
  • Cross-linking and graph view
  • Multiple resizable UI panes
  • Official and community plugins
  • Pre-made UI themes
  • Proprietary and external sync
  • Bi-directional linking

How Much Does Obsidian Cost?

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