Plesk Restore Backup from Another Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tech Goat - Aug 22 - - Dev Community

Transferring a website or data from one server to another is a common requirement for businesses, developers, and website administrators. Plesk, one of the leading web hosting control panels, simplifies this process with its robust backup and restore features. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about Plesk restore backup from another server, including why it's useful, how to do it step-by-step, and best practices.

Why Would You Need to Restore a Backup from Another Server?
There are several scenarios where you may need to restore a Plesk backup from another server:_
**Migrating to a New Hosting Provider:
When switching hosting providers, you’ll need to transfer your data from the old server to the new one.
Server Upgrades: Moving to a more powerful server often requires transferring your existing configurations, files, and databases.
Disaster Recovery: If your primary server fails due to hardware issues, cyberattacks, or other unforeseen events, restoring from a backup on a secondary server ensures minimal downtime.
Data Duplication and Testing: Developers may duplicate a website from one server to another for testing, staging, or deploying updates.
Regardless of your use case, Plesk restore backup from another server is an essential feature for ensuring business continuity and seamless server migrations.
Understanding Plesk Backup Types
Before diving into the steps of restoring a backup, it’s essential to understand the types of backups available in Plesk:
Full Backups: These include all data, configurations, databases, and settings from a specific account, website, or server.
Incremental Backups: These only include changes made since the last backup, making them quicker to perform but dependent on previous backups for a complete restore.
Configuration Backups: These backups focus only on server or account configurations without user data or website content.
When performing a best plesk hosting restore backup from another server, the type of backup you use determines what data will be restored.
Preparing for the Plesk Restore Process
Before beginning the backup restoration process, you’ll need to ensure a few things are in place:
Access to Both Servers: You’ll need administrator access to both the source (where the backup is stored) and destination servers (where the data will be restored).
Compatible Plesk Versions: Ensure that both servers are running compatible versions of Plesk. It’s best to use the same version or higher on the destination server.
Sufficient Storage Space: Verify that your destination server has enough space to accommodate the backup data.
Network Stability: A stable network connection is crucial when transferring backups between servers.
How to Perform a Plesk Restore Backup from Another Server
Now that you’ve prepared the environment, let’s go through the steps to restore a Plesk backup from another server.
Step 1: Export the Backup from the Source Server
Log in to the Plesk Panel on the source server.
Navigate to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager.
Select the backup you want to restore and choose Download. You can download the backup to your local machine or transfer it directly via FTP/SFTP to the destination server.
If transferring via FTP, set the destination as the new server’s IP address, username, and password, ensuring you have write permissions.
Step 2: Upload the Backup to the Destination Server
If you downloaded the backup locally, you now need to upload it to the destination server:
Log in to the Plesk Panel on the destination server.
Go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager.
Choose Upload Backup and select the backup file from your local machine.
Alternatively, you can use an FTP client to upload the backup directly to the server’s backup directory (usually located at /var/lib/psa/dumps/).
Step 3: Begin the Restore Process
With the backup file now available on the destination server, you’re ready to start the restoration process:
In the Plesk control panel, navigate to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager.
Locate the uploaded backup file in the list and click Restore.
You’ll be prompted to choose what you want to restore. Options include:
Full restore (all data, configurations, and settings)
Selected objects (e.g., specific websites, databases, or email accounts)
Choose your preferred restore option and click Next.
Step 4: Configure the Restoration Settings
Plesk allows you to customize the restore process. You can:
Replace existing configurations and data: If selected, any existing configurations or data on the destination server will be overwritten with the backup data.
Merge with existing data: If selected, only new or updated data from the backup will be added, leaving existing data intact.
Exclude certain objects: You can choose to exclude specific items like emails, databases, or configurations if they are not needed.
After making your selections, click Restore to begin the process.
Step 5: Monitor the Restoration Process
The restoration process may take some time depending on the size of the backup and server performance. Plesk will show a progress bar and log messages, allowing you to track the process. Once complete, you’ll receive a confirmation message.
Step 6: Verify the Restoration
Once the restoration is done, it’s crucial to verify that everything has been restored correctly:
Check Websites: Ensure that all websites are functioning as expected. Test various pages, features, and any dynamic elements.
Test Databases: Verify that databases are intact and that no data is missing or corrupted.
Review Email Accounts: If your backup included email accounts, test sending and receiving emails.
Inspect Configurations: Ensure that all custom settings, DNS records, SSL certificates, and other configurations are correct.
Step 7: Clean Up Unnecessary Files
After confirming that the restoration is successful, consider cleaning up unnecessary files, such as temporary backup files, to free up storage space.
Troubleshooting Common Issues During Plesk Restore Backup
While Plesk makes the backup restoration process straightforward, you may encounter issues along the way. Here are some common problems and how to resolve them:
Incompatible Backup Version: If you receive an error about incompatible Plesk versions, you’ll need to either update the destination server or adjust the backup settings to make it compatible.
Insufficient Disk Space: Ensure that there’s enough disk space on the destination server before starting the restoration. You may need to remove old files or expand the server’s storage capacity.
Timeout Errors: Large backups can sometimes cause timeout errors. If this occurs, you may need to increase the timeout settings in Plesk or split the backup into smaller chunks.
Missing Data After Restore: If certain data or configurations are missing after the restore, ensure that the backup file is complete and not corrupted. You can also try restoring specific objects individually.
Best Practices for Plesk Restore Backup from Another Server
To ensure a smooth and successful restoration process, keep these best practices in mind:
Regularly Update Plesk: Keeping both source and destination servers on the latest Plesk version minimizes compatibility issues during backup restoration.
Test Restorations in a Staging Environment: Before performing a full restore on a live server, test the restoration in a staging environment to identify any potential issues.
Automate Backups: Schedule regular automated backups to ensure you always have an up-to-date copy of your data, minimizing data loss risks.
Use Secure Transfer Methods: When transferring backups between servers, use secure methods like SFTP to prevent unauthorized access to your data.
Restoring a Plesk backup from another server is a crucial skill for any website administrator, whether for server migrations, disaster recovery, or testing purposes. By following this guide, you’ll be able to perform a Plesk restore backup efficiently and with minimal disruption to your website or business operations.
Ensure you understand the backup types, prepare both servers correctly, and follow each step carefully. With the right approach, Plesk’s powerful backup and restore features can save you time, money, and effort while ensuring the reliability and stability of your online presence.
