Mistakes to Avoid As a Junior Developer

Joseph Mania - Sep 3 '21 - - Dev Community

As you grow, you will find better programmers than you. On the other hand, you will become a better programmer than some of your peers. Everyone starts from a point, have in mind that no one had the knowledge and skills until he/she proved himself wrong.

‘Yes I know’

As a junior developer with a fresh mind in the software development field, be patient and calm. Remember, you found other developers on this journey. Stop beating up your chest, don’t brag about your skills to everyone. Politeness is the way to go. Let’s say you join a company, and your senior software engineer doesn’t have much knowledge of what you know, kindly correct your leader in a better way. Boosting is what makes younger developers fail.

Complex codes

When it comes to writing code to implement a certain software, I prefer simple lines. Don’t write complex codes because you think it’s the best time to show off. Yes, the software might function as required, but can your fellow developer be able to read your code? We read daily about writing readable codes, yes, let it remain the same. Use simple, small functions to implement a guide to a computer on what to do.

Don’t stop learning

Technology is like moving water, when you stand still trying to fetch it, at one point you will remain behind. Read new blogs and articles daily from various sources. Look at documentation, new frameworks, and the technologies being employed by companies. Upgrade your skills daily in the programming language you are using. Expand your toolbox with new technologies.

Learning every technology

You might run crazy trying to learn all the new technologies. Kindly, don’t chase every new tool in the market. I have a friend who almost went crazy learning new technologies every month. Yes, he had more opportunities, but he suffocated at one point. Please keep in mind that there are more than 50 technologies, you can’t exhaust. Be smart and focus on these related to your specifications. If you are a web developer, then shifting from angular to React might be positive.

Fear of making mistakes

For real, any junior developer might not know the right time to seek jobs. Believe it or not, you are capable of that posted job. Just apply and see the results. 60% of the remaining skills will be earned on the job. Be bold with your skills, yes you can do it. Give it a try. But focus on working with a team, get to work with experienced developers.

Ask questions

Yes, this is another trauma, mainly when something is hard. Don’t die with your problems. There is a huge community of developers on various platforms. The main one being stack overflow. Just search for the bug you have bumped into, and you will find the nearest answer. We have another developer who bumped into the same error and asked for answers. Also, help other developers to find answers. Solve their problems. Start your blog and share ideas.


As a junior developer, I prefer to master basics correctly. Don’t move from reacting to VueJS to angular. No, I have got friends who build clients websites with raw HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript, and their sites are very fast and responsive. Don’t rush. You are going to spend more hours mastering writing bug-free codes. Patience pays.

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