colo - 256 terminal colors in almost all formats

Farzad Sadeghi - Jan 30 '23 - - Dev Community

I spend most of my time in the terminal. Colorizing things makes detecting important pieces of information faster and more efficient in the terminal.

Colo is a little script that helps with choosing colors for the terminal applications. It can output the colors in different formats, rgb,numbers, hex, hsi so one can quickly choose the colors that one wants to use.

GitHub logo terminaldweller / colo

A simple color script which print the 256 terminal colors in rgb,hex,numbered, ...


A simple script that prints out the 256 terminal colors in different formats.
It can print the numbers, the hex value, rgb,hsi and the ansi escape sequence.

colo --help
usage: colo [-h] [--ansi] [--hsi] [--rgb] [--number] [--name] [--hex]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --ansi      bool
  --hsi       bool
  --rgb       bool
  --number    bool
  --name      bool
  --hex       bool
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


How to get

pipx install colo
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Also since this is a very small package without any dependencies you could always use pipx run without "installing the package":

pipx run colo
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I wrote it to make my life in the terminal easier.

I guess the "feature" that colo has is that supports printing the colors in different formats and I can get it with a simple pip install colo on a new machine/vm/container.

Hope someone else finds it useful.
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