Pseudocode/Python Project

TheFoxlion - Jun 22 - - Dev Community

Hey All.
I am writing a program that uses conditionals as well as a while loop.
I am running into problems with the while loop.
The loop is set to run if the user doesn't enter 'yes' or 'no' when asked whether they would like to make a payment. No matter where I try to place the loop it seems to get stuck if I enter anything other than 'yes' or 'no' then enter either 'yes' or 'no' after the loop.
It seems that if I try to catch someone not entering either of the two acceptable entries the program gets stuck.

def Credit_card():
    ccb=float(input("What is your credit card balance?\n"))
    pur=float(input("How much have you spent in purchases?\n"))
    print("Your minimum payment is ${0}".format(minpymt))
    dectopay=input("Would you like to make a payment?\n Please type 'yes' or 'no'\n")
    if (dectopay=="yes"):
        pymt=float(input("Wonderful! How much would you like to pay?\n"))
          pymt=float(input("We're sorry, but your payment must be greater than or equal to your minimum payment of ${0}\nHow much would you like to pay?\n").format(minpymt))
        print("Thank you for your payment!\n")
        print("Your new credit card balance is ${0}\n".format((ccb+pur)-pymt))     
        print("Your credit card balance is ${0}. Thank you for visiting Credit Central. \n Have a wonderful day!".format(ccb+pur))
    while (dectopay!="yes")or(dectopay!="no"):
            dectopay=input("We're sorry. You must answer either 'yes' or 'no'\n")


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