"A delightfully fresh take on email." HEY👋

Joseph Ochego - May 8 - - Dev Community

Just wrapped up an amazing week and a half using the Hey email by 37signals, and I can't help but share the love! 🚀

HEY — A delightfully fresh take on email + calendar, from 37signals

Gmail, Outlook, and Apple got complacent and took their eye off the ball. Then along came HEY.

favicon hey.com

Their "delightful fresh take on email" has given me a clutter-free, efficient inbox with privacy in mind. The Screener tool lets me decide who gets into my inbox—keeping it personal and important.
The Imbox, Feed, and Paper Trail organization make my email life a breeze. The Feed turns long-reads into a casual news feed, making newsletters from the likes of David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried a joy to read. Plus, importing emails from my previous service was seamless.

Blogging is as easy as emailing world@hey.com—"write, send, and it's posted"! Perfect for fellow writers and bloggers.

And let's talk about Hey Calendar—designed around how we think and plan in days and weeks.

The timeline-based day view and the innovative "maybe" feature in Hey Calendar have revolutionized how I plan. Plus, you get handy features like importing from Google, Outlook, and Apple, sharing calendars with other Hey users, adding events directly from email invites, and full multi-time zone support. It's a planner's dream!

Aside from its sleek design, what really sucked me in is the official support for a Linux desktop client. As a daily Linux user, the pain of not having native clients for some of the apps I like and use daily is real. Having the calendar and mail in the same app, just an icon-click away, is a game-changer.
As my free trial wraps up in 3 days, I'm already contemplating setting up a piggy bank and saving up for the $99 personal subscription. Privacy and efficiency are priceless, and Hey has won me over. 🌐✉️

This is from my original post on LinkedIn 2months ago.

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