Comparison of container runtimes or managment technologies [Docker, containerd, Podman, rkt]

Yasir Rehman - Jan 30 '23 - - Dev Community

Docker, containerd, podman and rkt are all popular container runtime or container management technologies.

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Docker is a widely-used open-source platform for containerization. It allows developers to package and distribute their applications in a lightweight and portable manner. Docker provides a simple and consistent way to build, ship, and run applications in a containerized environment.

  • Docker is easy to use and has a large and active community.
  • The Docker Hub provides a centralized repository for storing and sharing container images, making it easy to distribute and deploy applications.
  • Docker can run on a wide range of platforms, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  • It provides a consistent environment for development, testing, and production.


  • Docker has a higher resource overhead than some other container runtimes, such as containerd.
  • Its built-in networking and storage solutions are limited and may not be suitable for more complex use cases.
  • It has a steep learning curve for new users.

Use cases:

  • Docker is well-suited for building and deploying microservices-based applications.
  • It's great for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows.
  • Docker can be used for packaging and distributing software, allowing users to run the same version of an application on different platforms.


Containerd is an open-source container runtime that is designed to be used as a daemon for managing the life cycle of containers. It provides a low-level API for interacting with container images and running containers. Containerd is lightweight and has a smaller resource overhead than Docker.

  • Containerd is lightweight and has a smaller resource overhead than Docker.
  • It provides a low-level API that can be easily integrated into other tools and systems.
  • Containerd is designed to be used as a daemon and can be easily integrated into orchestration systems.


  • Containerd does not provide a built-in networking or storage solution.
  • It has a smaller community and fewer resources than Docker.
  • It may have a steeper learning curve for new users.

Use cases:

  • Containerd is well-suited for use in orchestration systems and as a building block for other container management tools.
  • It can be used in environments that require low-level control over container management.


Podman is an open-source container management tool that is designed to be a replacement for the Docker daemon. It provides a command-line interface for managing containers, and it does not require a daemon to run. Podman is lightweight and has a smaller resource overhead than Docker.

  • Podman does not require a daemon to run, which makes it more secure and easier to use.
  • It provides a simple and consistent command-line interface for managing containers.
  • Podman is designed to be used with Kubernetes and other orchestration systems.


  • Podman is relatively new and has a smaller community and fewer resources than Docker.
  • It may have a steeper learning curve for new users.

Use cases:

  • Podman is well-suited for use in environments that require a simple and lightweight container management tool.
  • It can be used in conjunction with Kubernetes or other orchestration systems for container management.


Rkt (pronounced "rocket") is an open-source container runtime that is designed to be more secure and efficient than other container runtimes. It uses a different format for container images and provides a command-line interface for managing containers. Rkt is designed to be used with Kubernetes and other orchestration systems.

  • rkt is designed with a focus on security, and it uses a more secure mechanism for running containers than Docker does.
  • rkt uses a different container format called ACI (Application Container Image) which allows for better versioning and distribution of container images.
  • rkt supports running multiple applications in a single container, which can be useful in certain use cases.
  • rkt is also built around the App Container (appc) specification, which provides a more flexible and extensible framework for building and deploying containers.


  • rkt has a smaller community and fewer users compared to Docker.
  • As rkt is lesser known compared to docker, there is less support and documentation available.
  • Some of the tooling and ecosystem around rkt is not as mature as it is with Docker.

Use cases:

  • rkt can be a good choice for environments where security is a primary concern, such as government or financial organizations.
  • It can also be useful for organizations that want to take advantage of the features provided by the appc specification, such as better image versioning and distribution.
  • rkt can also be a good choice for organizations that want to run multiple applications within a single container.

In summary, each of these container management technologies have their own pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your use case. Docker is the most widely adopted and easiest to use, making it a great choice for developers who are new to containerization. Containerd is a lightweight and embeddable container runtime, making it a good choice for edge computing and IoT. Podman is a daemonless container management tool, making it a good choice for CI/CD pipeline and on-premise deployments. Rkt is a lightweight and secure container runtime, making it a good choice for edge computing, IoT, and embedded systems.

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