Databases are legacy. It's time to rethink data storage and usage.

Ovais Tariq - Sep 29 '22 - - Dev Community

Data is the lifeblood of modern applications, powering rich and diverse user experiences. We rely on these applications in our daily life to do everything from managing logistics, finances, shopping needs, and even the most mundane and basic of tasks.

However, as much as these modern applications have become data-dependent, the supporting data infrastructure hasn't evolved to support these rich data needs. Today's applications still rely on "databases" in the classical sense, a concept designed in the 1970s and 1980s.

How we got here

Over the past five years, we have seen not only the exponential growth of new applications being launched but also the diversification of tools and infrastructure components needed to support those applications. Most new applications are built using a microservice architecture.

Each of these microservices will often have its own disparate database components, many times more than one. This variance is usually driven by the requirements of the services around data structure, model, and access patterns. The need to support multiple data models and patterns has led to the idea of a specific toolset or component for a particular use-case has become the norm. There has been a "gold" rush for infrastructure companies to stake a place in this new landscape, creating new tools and resulting in increasingly complex architectures. The tools being released are generally focused on specific usage cases or components instead of solving the larger problem.

Looking at the current CNCF landscape you can see how evident the variety and sprawl is

CNCF landscape - databases and streaming

This complex map shows the hundreds and hundreds of different infrastructure components that can be bundled together. Most of them are focused on performing one specific niche item. We often need many of these components to build a robust modern application because the core infrastructure components ( like the database ) were never designed to meet today's needs. We are now in a time when DIY builders can couple together Frankenstein's monster to support their application.

The impact of increased complexity

While purpose-built tooling and components have some benefits, the downside is that the environments in which we currently build applications are getting larger and more complex.

MongoDB recently surveyed 2,000 IT professionals; over 50% described their data architecture as "Complex".

Percona ( an Open Source Database Vendor ) did a similar survey and found that the number of organizations supporting 1000s of databases in production more than doubled in the last year. That same survey found over 90% of the respondents run multiple databases, and most running five or more.

This complexity has grown not only the footprint of companies' data infrastructure. Still, it has forced developers to learn and maintain the skills to build and support dozens of disparate components, with each component having its APIs, characteristics, access methods, operations, and best practices.

And time is a resource developers are lacking!

2022 study by showed that 40%+ of developers are challenged by not only the high demands being placed on them but the constant raising of those requirements.

Stack Overflow's 2022 survey showed that a quarter of all developers spend more than 25% of their time every week looking for solutions to problems. No wonder that same study showed that nearly 53% of developers are looking at Low or No Code solutions to help reduce the time to release applications.

The more complex the environment, the more time is spent maintaining, troubleshooting, learning, and getting components to play nicely together. Much of the complexity of the infrastructure comes from how data is stored and accessed using legacy database management systems.

Databases are dead

Databases are legacy

One of the main reasons for the explosion in data infrastructure tools is that the databases were never designed for the rich use cases applications have today. Then, instead of rethinking the developer experience related to data and widening the functions of the database, we added more bolt-on tools.

Our idea of how we need to store and interact with data in applications dates back to the 1970s. While databases have evolved regarding stability, security, and scalability, the core functionality remains the same. At its core, all databases have these common tenants:

  • Stores data in a self-describing universal format
  • Allows you to query data with a specific language
  • Separates the data from the application, allowing many applications to connect and use the same data source
  • Handles the persistence of the data
  • Secures data in some manner

By definition, database management systems are designed to separate the application and data, focusing on interacting with data in a narrow way. This is archaic thinking in today's modern environments.

Today applications and data are as connected as ever before. The application should dictate the best way to store and retrieve data, not the other way around.

The Developer Data Platform

If we were to go back and redesign the core systems we use to store, access, and use data with what we know now, we would build a completely different experience. Instead of adding more disparate components and bolt-ons, we need a new solution to handle the modern requirements. We need a Data Platform purpose-build for Developers with the following characteristics:

  1. Has the capabilities to meet the demands of a multi-model application.
  2. Data stored is optimized for application access patterns, not the application designed to adhere to the database's preferred patterns.
  3. All data is queryable and searchable directly from common application frameworks (the tools, libraries, and packages developers use daily) and APIs without learning a new language.
  4. Data is sharable in common formats for end users, applications, APIs, and services in real time.
  5. Infrastructureless from the developers' perspective: indexing, sharding, HA, recovery, and standard database administration operations are handled automatically.
  6. Built with modern cloud-native architecture with independently scalable components.
  7. Provides control of their data to the users in a secure way that complies with laws and regulations.

Many database companies like to say they are taking a developer-first approach to designing their products, but most of the time, they remain stuck in the past.

It is time to start building the data platforms that conform to how developers think, code, and create.

This is why we are building Tigris. We hope other vendors will evolve as well to better support a modern developer's needs.

Tigris is the all-in-one open source developer data platform. Use it as a scalable transactional document store. Perform real-time search across your data stores automatically. Build event-driven apps with real-time event streaming. All provided to you through a unified serverless API enabling you to focus on building applications and stop worrying about the data infrastructure.

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Get early access and try out Tigris for your next application. You can also follow the documentation to learn more.

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