Command Line Power-Ups: Boost Your Workflow with Mods and Freeze

Chandler - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

For developers and tech enthusiasts, the command line is a powerful tool. But did you know there are ways to make it even more efficient and visually appealing? Two of my favorite tools I’ve been using lately are Mods and Freeze. These tools, brought to you by the innovative team at Charm Bracelet (, will revolutionize how you interact with your terminal, automating tasks and creating beautiful code snippets.


Imagine having the capabilities of ChatGPT directly in your command line. That's the power of Mods. This AI-driven tool excels at scripting and automation, allowing you to generate code snippets and streamline repetitive tasks with ease.

Let's say you need a basic Python script to print "Hello World" with user input. With Mods, it's as simple as typing:

mods -f "Generate a python hello world app with user input. Only output the code and no other text" -r >
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command instructs Mods to generate the code, output it in raw format (without Markdown), and save it to a file named

Mods is still under development, so you might need to make minor adjustments to the output format. However, its ability to understand natural language commands and generate code is truly impressive. Plus, Mods remembers your conversation history, allowing you to reference previous commands and build upon your work seamlessly.


Sharing code snippets for documentation, presentations, or blog posts can be cumbersome. Freeze comes to the rescue, enabling you to generate visually stunning code screenshots with just a single command.

To create a beautiful image of your Python script (, simply type:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will generate a PNG image file showcasing your code with elegant syntax highlighting. Freeze also offers a range of customization options:

  • --window: Adds macOS-style window controls for a realistic look.
  • --theme: Allows you to apply various themes like the popular GitHub dark mode.
  • --execute: Captures the output of terminal commands within the screenshot.

With Freeze, you can effortlessly create professional-looking code visuals, enhancing your projects and communication.

Mods and Freeze offer developers and tech enthusiasts powerful tools to enhance their productivity and creativity. Whether you're automating tasks, generating scripts, or creating eye-catching code visuals, these tools will streamline your workflow and elevate your projects. Explore these and other innovative command line tools to unlock the full potential of your terminal!


What are your favorite command line tools? Share them in the comments below!

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