Why I switched to the Web

Timi - Nov 22 '23 - - Dev Community

Exploring the Shift: From Web to Mobile Development

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the debate between web and mobile apps remains ongoing. Although both have their unique benefits, I feel the need to explain why I find the web particularly appealing before discussing my shift to mobile development.

Why Embrace the Web Over Mobile Apps?

The Internet has a unique appeal and usefulness, and it excels in several ways:


  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Websites seamlessly adapt across devices—laptops, tablets, and smartphones—eliminating the need for multiple versions.
  • Instant Accessibility: A mere click grants access to web content, eliminating downloads and preserving device space and time.


  • Development and Maintenance: Creating and updating websites often incurs lower costs compared to the complexities and frequent updates associated with app development.
  • Effortless Updates: Web updates occur instantly, sparing users from the hassle of downloading new versions.

Discoverability and Shareability:

  • Search Engine Visibility: Web content is easily discoverable via search engines, ensuring a wider audience reach.
  • Effortless Sharing: Sharing web content is seamless, enabling rapid dissemination and potential virality.

Flexibility and Reach:

  • Real-Time Updates: Web content updates swiftly, ensuring the dissemination of real-time information.
  • Wider Audience Reach: With no installation barriers, websites effortlessly reach a broader audience.

Transitioning: Why Mobile Development?

The shift from web to mobile development involves distinctive learning curves. While HTML and CSS lay the foundation for web development, mobile development encompasses languages like Java, C, C++, Flutter[Dart], and React Native. However, the learning curve wasn’t the primary reason for my transition.

Maintenance: Web vs. Mobile Apps

Maintaining both web and mobile apps is crucial, primarily focusing on the user experience. Mobile development, however, presents a significant challenge: Updates.


Updating mobile apps involves waiting for verification from app stores, often leading to delayed updates and potential user inconvenience.


Web apps, supported by tools like Git and platforms like Vercel, allow for a swift rollback of changes compared to mobile apps, making the process more manageable.

Comparison: Web vs. Mobile App Maintenance

Web Maintenance:

  • Seamless Updates: Websites offer immediate updates without necessitating users to download new versions.
  • Cost Efficiency: Maintaining websites is generally cost-effective due to simpler update processes and fewer platform-specific demands.
  • Consistent Cross-Platform Experience: Websites maintain a consistent look and function across various devices, reducing the need for device-specific maintenance.

Mobile App Maintenance:

  • Frequent Updates: Mobile apps demand frequent updates due to evolving OS requirements, new features, or security patches.
  • Platform-Specific Needs: Catering to different operating systems necessitates tailored updates for each platform.
  • User Engagement Challenges: Encouraging regular app updates poses challenges, potentially leading to fragmented user bases.

User Experience Consideration:

  • Impact of Outdated Apps: Older app versions might cause compatibility issues, glitches, or security vulnerabilities, adversely affecting the user experience.
  • Resource Intensiveness: Maintaining mobile apps often requires more time, effort, and budget compared to websites.


To summarize, the web offers unparalleled accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and a broader reach, which is why it's a preferred choice for many businesses and users. While mobile apps have their unique appeal, the web's simplicity and adaptability continue to hold a distinctive place in the digital landscape.

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