Node JS Crash Course for Beginners
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Learning node.js made easy. This page contains a collection of curated links to blog posts, articles, videos, tutorials, books, frameworks, modules, IDEs, testing tools, hosting providers, etc. to help you learn Node.js and keep up to date.
It was just created and will be actively updated. Please fork and submit your pull-requests, if you would like to contribute. Thanks!
Go to, download node.js installer and follow instructions. Mac OS, Windows, and Linux are supported.
To use Node.js you need to have a decent understanding of JavaScript language.
Codecademy β JS β Good for practicing and learning syntax.
Development Tools/IDEs
Yeoman β Project and modules generator
Gulp β Task runner/build system
Grunt β Task runner/build system
WebStorm/PHPStorm β popular and extremely powerful IDE for coding web applications. Paid but you can get it for free , if you are an open-source developer (requierd an application approval).
Node.js Tools for Visual Studio β see blog post from team member Scott Hanselman.
NetBeans with Node.js plugin
Nodejs Sublime Text 2 Package β a set of code completion, scripts and tools to work with Node.js.
WebMatrix β is a free, lightweight, cloud-connected web development tool from Microsoft.
CodeRunner β Mac only paid IDE.
Komodo β full-featured IDE from ActiveState is paid but there is also lean free version Komodo Edit.
Nide β is a web-based IDE for Node.JS that can run locally or on a remote server. Available both as a command-line tool and as a standalone Mac app.
Nodeclipse & Enide β is free open-source IDE based on Eclipse.
Cloud9 β cloud-based IDE with native support for development of Node.js applications including debugging and other features. Note that you can also install it locally. β is both an IDE and environment in the cloud. Has both online and desktop versions. Paid.
Koding β offers you a free rootable VM with Node. Also you can work on the same code with your friends.
Cloud IDE (a.k.a eXo Cloud IDE, a.k.a codenvy) β cloud development IDE and environemnt with continuous integration and other features. Offers both hosted and on-premises solutions.
Hosting Providers
Nodejitsu β hosting, databases and private NPM. Free for Open Source.
Heroku β Dead simple to use.
Modulus -Scalable application platform (PaaS) for developers, offering Node.js hosting, MongoDB, and performance analytics in the cloud.
Codio β Powerful web based IDE, free for public projects
Digital Ocean β cloud infrastructure provider
Node.js FUNdamentals: A Concise Overview of The Main Concepts
Why Node.js
Why The Hell Would I Use Node.js? A Case-by-Case Introduction
Migrating to Node.js
CommonJS Module System
Asynchronous Programming
Node Package Manager (npm)
Explore registered public npm modules
Node.js tips and tricks
Private NPM approches
Node js tutorial β A user ranked online tutorials site hosting many relavant free and paid tutorials to learn Node js online.
NodeJS and JavaScript for 2016 Onwards β Slides based tutorial for server side JavaScript with NodeJS 6.x (beginner to intermediate).
How to add an API-Based CMS to NodeJS β How to integrate Storyblok, a component composer and headless CMS, to your Express.js app in a few easy steps.
- Authentication β Goes over local, facebook & twitter authentication.
Command line
Blog posts/articles
- Node.js Production Practices β fantastic overview of design, deployment and debugging technics from Joyent.
Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl β Ryan Dahl is a Node.js creator. Must see.
Node.js has Arrived! β In this video, Node.js core committer Bert Belder discusses some of the new features in Node v0.12 including Streams3, VM improvements, cluster round-robin, execSync and profiling APIs.
Getting started with node.js at -Basics of Express and Mongo -Getting Started with Sails.js -History of Node.js
Free Courses
Paid Courses
Getting Started with Node.js and the NPM Package Manager from Treehouse.
Node.js First Look(beginner) and Node.js Essential Training(advanced) at
Node.js courses at Pluralsight
Free Books
Paid Books
Sinatra like:
connect β an extensible HTTP server framework for Node.js using βpluginsβ known as middleware.
express.js β a Sinatra inspired Web development framework for Node.js.
hapi β a rich framework for building Web applications and services. = Express +
koa β an expressive middleware for Node.js using generators.
Flatiron β framework components for Node.js and a browser.
total.js β a Web application framework for creating rich Web sites and Web services.
Geddy β a simple, structured Web framework for Node.js.
Sails.js β a realtime MVC Framework for Node.js.
Compound β the compound formula is Express + Structure + Extensions.
Full stack:
meteor.js β Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern Web applications. Built using Node.js, Meteor is a framework on its own. Please see an amazing list of Meteor resources for more information.
Derby β the MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers.
SocketStream β A fast, modular Node.js Web framework dedicated to building realtime single-page applications.
If you would like to learn more about Node.js frameworks, please visit and
Static Site Generators
Hexo β fast, simple & powerful blog framework.
Metalsmith β extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
Harp β static web server with built-in preprocessing.
Assemble β static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js.
Wheat β a blog engine for coders written in node.JS.
Punch β a fun and easy way to build modern websites.
Blacksmith β generic static site generator built using flatiron, plates, and marked.
Poet β a node.js blog engine.
See extensive collection of Static Site Generators including other languages at
Libraries β a realtime application framework for Node.JS, with HTML5 WebSockets and cross-browser fallbacks support.
mongoose β MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
winston β a multi-transport asynchronous logging library for Node.js
passport β simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
async β asynchronous utilities for Node and the browser.
Q β a tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
co β the ultimate generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs;
jade β Jade β a robust, elegant, feature-rich template engine for Node.js.
ejs β embedded JavaScript templates for Node.js.
lodash β a utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, and extras.
request β a simplified HTTP request client.
config β a runtime configuration for Node.js. modules.
Authentication and Security
- Passport β simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js that supports OpenID and OAuth.
Read about various approaches to testing Node.js code:
Some popular testing frameworks:
mocha β a simple, flexible JavaScript test framework for Node.js and a browser. (BDD, TDD, QUnit styles via interfaces).
jasmin-node β integration of the Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js.
sinon β test spies, stubs, and mocks for JavaScript.
chai β a BDD / TDD assertion framework for Node.js and a browser.
supertest β a super-agent driven library for testing Node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API.
rewire β a dependency injection for Node.js applications.
node-jscoverage β JSCoverage for Node.js.
Keep up to date
CNode β Node.js professional Chinese community
IRC β For real-time chat about Node development go to in the #node.js channel with an IRC client or connect in your web browser to the channel using freenodeβs WebChat.
Node.js Weekly β an email list that gathers up the latest events and news from around the Node.js community.
NodeUp β a podcast covering the latest Node news in the community.
Who to Follow
TJ Holowachuk β express, Jade, Mocha, Stylus
Isaac Z. Schlueter β maintainer of Node.js / NPM
Mikeal Rogers β Request
James Haliday βsubstackβ β Browserify, dnode, Optimist
Guillermo Rauch β Socket.IO