Startup Primer

Tomer Ben David - Aug 7 '19 - - Dev Community

Startup Primer

Run jekyll with docker

## Run jekyll with dockerexport JEKYLL_VERSION=3.5
docker run --rm \
  --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
  -p 4000:4000 \
  -it jekyll/builder:$JEKYLL_VERSION \
  jekyll serve

Domain names

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Static websites

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Payment, Subscription, ecommerce


Startuping and bootstraping

  1. bootstraping
  2. Many resources for startups

UI and graphic design

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Marketing and Bootstraping startup

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Version control

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  4. Tips!!


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General stacks



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Ionic 2017 Developer Survey Help us improve your Ionic experience by letting us know what services and tools you're using to build apps. We will use this feedback to better integrate Ionic with popular services and improve our tools and features. Before we get started, help us understand your answer by telling us a little bit about yourself.

  • Required Backend Technology What backend services are you using in your Ionic apps today? What services do you use to send Push Notifications? * Firebase/GCM Amazon SNS OneSignal Urban Airship Pushwoosh Ionic Push Custom push system (node-apns, etc) I don't send push notifications Other:

This is a required question What database(s) do you use for your backend? * Firebase Self-hosted SQL database (MySQL, Postgres, etc). AWS DynamoDB AWS RDS Heroku Postgres Self-hosted MongoDB Cloud hosted MongoDB Ionic DB (beta) I don't use a database Other:
This is a required question How do you host the server-side of your app? * No server! Firebase or another pure-client side system AWS Lambda Amazon ECS AWS LightSail Google App Engine/GCP Containers Heroku Azure Digital Ocean Classic VPS provider (Linode, Rackspace Cloud, etc) Self-hosted Virtual Server Self-hosted docker containers Self-hosted dedicated server Other:
This is a required question What backend technology does your app run on? * Node.js Python (Django, Flask, etc) Ruby (on rails or otherwise) Java C#/.NET Other:
This is a required question What service do you use for Analytics? * Google Analytics Firebase Analytics Amazon Mobile Analytics Fabric Answers Mixpanel Keen Segment Amplitude Localytics Adobe Ionic Analytics Custom analytics (self-hosted, self-built, etc) Other:
This is a required question How do you manage user authentication? * Firebase Auth GCP Auth Auth0 Stormpath Fabric Digits Amazon Cognito Azure Authentication Ionic Auth Custom oAuth Other:
This is a required question How do you test your app in the cloud? * AWS Device Farm Firebase Test Lab Browserstack Sauce Labs Custom device testing system I don't do cloud device testing Other:
This is a required question How do you track errors and crashes in your app? * Fabric/Crashlytics Firebase crash reporting Sentry TrackJS Bugsnag Opbeat Rollbar Custom system I don't track errors or crashes Other:
This is a required question How do you update your apps remotely? * Ionic Deploy Code Push PhoneGap ContentSync PhoneGap Hydration Custom Update System I do not push updates to my app remotely Other:
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Ionic 2017 Developer Survey

  • Required Tooling and Testing Additional tools used for developing and testing Ionic apps What Text Editor or IDE do you use? * Visual Studio Code Visual Studio IDE Atom Webstorm Sublime Text TextMate Brackets Other:

Use any App Prototyping tools? * Ionic Creator Invision Marvel Baslamiq Sketch I don't use any app prototyping tools Other:
How do you beta test and gather feedback? * Ionic View Hockeyapp Testflight TestFairy I don't use any beta testing/feedback tools Other:
How do you distribute your apps to users? * App store (Apple, Google Play, etc) MobileIron Airwatch Microsoft Intune Ionic View (as an internal app store, etc) Hosted web apps or desktop downloads Other:
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