The missing sum() method

Tracy Gilmore - Dec 11 '22 - - Dev Community

The current specification for the JavaScript Math object (namespace), according to MDN, comprises of 8 properties and 35 methods.

The extensive range of methods include a variety of Logarithmic Trigonometric and utility functions. Yet there is, at least in my eyes, a glaringly obvious omission.

There is min and max that can both take numerous arguments and return a single value, but where is the sum function?

Instead we have to resort to coding this function ourselves, which is far from efficient.

Examples include:

function sum(...nums) {
  return nums.reduce((tot, num) => tot + num);

// or

const sum = (...nums) => nums.reduce((tot, num) => tot + num);
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We could polyfill but extending standard objects like Math is seldom a good decision.

I really would like to know why this method is missing, any suggestions?

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