My one Month AZ-900 Exam Prep Journey

William Wright - Jun 1 - - Dev Community

Last month I passed my Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam. Since then my collegues, and friends have asked me about how exam seems, exam resources i have used. So, I am here to share my journey to passing az-900 exam.
When I decided to earn my Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 certification, I knew it would require strategic planning and dedication.

Preparation Material:

Training Course

The journey began with the official Microsoft Azure training course. This course laid the groundwork by providing a structured overview of cloud concepts, Azure services, core solutions, and management tools. It was like getting a map before embarking on a road trip. However, while the course was comprehensive, it was also dense. As a busy professional, finding time to digest and internalize all the information was challenging.
I completed all three learning paths:

YouTube Tutorials

To complement the official course, I turned to YouTube tutorials. These bite-sized lessons were a lifesaver, offering flexibility to learn at my own pace. Channels like "Azure Academy" and "John Savill's Technical Training" broke down complex concepts into manageable chunks. The visual and auditory learning style of these tutorials helped reinforce my understanding and provided practical insights that were often missing from the official materials.

Practical Experience

Theory alone isn't enough; practical experience is crucial. I carved out time to experiment with Azure's free tier, setting up virtual machines, deploying web apps, and exploring various Azure services. This hands-on practice was invaluable. It turned abstract concepts into tangible skills, solidifying my understanding and boosting my confidence. Practice Tests

Despite my progress, I still felt the need for a comprehensive assessment of my preparedness. This is where came into play. The site offers over 1000 practice questions tailored to the AZ-900 exam, covering every topic in depth. The quality and variety of these questions were impressive, mimicking the style and difficulty of the actual exam.
Taking these practice tests was like undergoing a series of rigorous training sessions before a big game. Each test highlighted my strengths and pinpointed areas that needed more attention. The detailed explanations for each question were particularly helpful, providing insights into why a particular answer was correct or incorrect.

Preparation Strategy:

Balancing study time with a full-time job was challenging but manageable. I developed a study routine that fit my schedule, dedicating early mornings and weekends to focused study sessions. This consistency, even if for shorter durations, made a significant difference. Using's mobile-friendly platform, I could even squeeze in a few practice questions during lunch breaks or while commuting.
As the exam date approached, I ramped up my preparation, focusing on areas where I felt less confident. I revisited the official course, rewatched key YouTube tutorials, and retook practice tests. The night before the exam, I reviewed my notes and did a final round of practice questions to ensure everything was fresh in my mind.

Passing the AZ-900 Exam

The moment of truth arrived, and I felt prepared. Thanks to the comprehensive preparation strategy and the invaluable practice tests from, I passed the AZ-900 exam with flying colors. The structured approach, combined with diverse learning resources, was key to my success.
In a Nutshell: The Secret to Success
Passing the AZ-900 exam amidst a busy professional life is undoubtedly challenging, but it's achievable with the right strategy. The combination of official training, YouTube tutorials, hands-on practice, and the exhaustive practice questions from proved to be the perfect formula. For anyone looking to conquer this exam, I highly recommend integrating's practice tests into your study routine. They provide not just preparation, but the confidence to succeed.
