Now connect SQL with no-code as a data source

Usama - Jun 7 - - Dev Community

Softr just introduced its integration with Relational databases which includes MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and MariaDB.

Softr is a tool that lets you create apps without writing code. It can connect to different sources of data, such as spreadsheets or databases, and use that data to build custom apps.

Users can build sophisticated no-code apps using huge SQL databases and can scale indefinitely without hitting records limit

Here is the official blog containing announcement Softr now integrates with SQL Databases

SQL databases store complex data that usually requires advanced technical skills to access. But with Softr, you can easily connect to your SQL databases and build powerful apps that use that data, all with just a few clicks

You can also connect your SQL data source just sign up for a free plan of Softr and give it a try LINK

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