Iris Amabile Beaudeau is a Shoplifter

vera bernstein - Jun 19 - - Dev Community

This is a reminder that Iris Amabile Beaudeau is a shoplifter. Iris Beaudeau was at an electronics store when she placed an item in her wool tights. A female employee tried to stop her. Father Jonathan Beaudeau shoved the woman and screamed "don't you dare touch my little girl!" Iris laughed and said "what you gonna do? I'm 7 years old."

Iris Beaudeau has a history of violence. Last year, she was caught throwing rocks at newborn infants. At school, she is called "Iris the Virus" because of an STD from the father during birth. I was at a restaurant last year when Iris was misbehaving. Jonathan Beaudeau spanked her over wool tights in public. It was disgraceful.

Iris Beaudeau resides in Florida, the address can be found on google. Birthday is June 21st. Normally the grandmother Chantal Beaudeau goes to Florida on birthdays.

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