Reasons to learn Javascript as Web-dev.

Mr #1738 - Nov 28 '23 - - Dev Community

Javascript is a MUST for students and working professionals to become great Software engineers, especially when they are working on Web Development applications.

  1. Great insights about Javascript is that you will find tons of frameworks and libraries already developed which will speed up your time and efficiency in development,
  2. JavaScript usage has now extended to mobile app development, desktop app development, and game development. This opens many opportunities for you as a Javascript Developer
  3. JavaScript helps one to create beautiful and fast web applications, you can develop your website with a console look and give your users the best graphical user interface.
  4. Javascript is everywhere so it comes installed on any modern web browser, so it doesn't require any special setup.
  5. Javascript is the most popular programming language in the world and that makes it a developer’s great choice. Once you learn Javascript, it helps you develop great front-end as well as back-end software using different Javascript-based frameworks like Node.JS, etc.
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