Gin Up Your Workflow: A Go REST API Crash Course

Vuelancer - Feb 11 - - Dev Community

Building a Simple REST API in Go with Gin

In this post, we'll explore building a basic REST API using Go and the Gin framework. We'll walk through the code, understand the concepts, and see how to store and retrieve key-value pairs.


  • Basic understanding of Go programming
  • Familiarity with HTTP concepts

What you'll learn:

  • Creating a REST API with Gin
  • Storing and retrieving data using key-value pairs
  • JSON data formatting

Code Snippet:

package main

import (

var store map[string]string

func main() {
    store = make(map[string]string)
    router := gin.Default()

    router.POST("/key", func(c *gin.Context) {
        key := c.Param("key")
        value := c.PostForm("value")

        store[key] = value
        c.JSON(200, gin.H{"message": "Stored"})

    router.GET("/key/:key", func(c *gin.Context) {
        key := c.Param("key")
        value, ok := store[key]

        if !ok {
            c.JSON(404, gin.H{"message": "Not found"})

        var unmarshaledValue map[string]interface{}
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &unmarshaledValue)
        if err != nil {
            c.JSON(500, gin.H{"message": "Error unmarshaling value"})

        c.JSON(200, unmarshaledValue)

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Import Libraries:

  • encoding/json: For JSON data encoding and decoding.
  • fmt: For output formatting.
  • The Gin framework for web applications.

Define Map:

  • store: A map[string]string to store key-value pairs.

Create Gin Router:

  • router: A Gin router instance to handle HTTP requests.

Store Key-Value Pairs:

  • POST /key: Handles POST requests to store data.
  • It retrieves the key from the URL path and value from the request body.
  • Stores the pair in the store map and returns a "Stored" message.

Retrieve Key-Value Pairs:

  • GET /key/:key: Handles GET requests to retrieve data.
  • The :key part captures the key from the URL path.
  • Retrieves the value for the specified key from the store map.
  • Returns a 404 Not Found if the key isn't found.
  • Otherwise, unmarshals the JSON-encoded value and returns it.

Run the Server:

  • router.Run(): Starts the Gin server and listens for requests.


This code demonstrates building a simple REST API in Go with Gin. It allows storing and retrieving key-value pairs in JSON format.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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