Paradigms in JavaScript

Wadi zaatour - Jan 22 - - Dev Community

What is Programs Paradigm and how many are there?

A programming paradigm is a fundamental approach or style of organizing and structuring code, defining the methods and principles by which programming tasks are accomplished.

The most common program paradigm are 7. In Javascript it's possible to use a mix of those paradigms, So let's get through them one by one!

  1. Imperative programming involves executing a step-by-step sequence of commands that directly update the program's state.

  2. Declarative programming, on the other hand, entails specifying the desired outcome without explicitly detailing the steps or procedures to achieve it.

  3. Structured programming emphasizes the creation of code with organized, goto-free, and nested control structures, promoting clarity and maintainability.

  4. Procedural programming is similar to imperative programming but places a stronger emphasis on the use of procedure calls to modularize code.

  5. Functional programming revolves around the execution of functions that avoid dependency on global state, resulting a more modular and predictable code structure.

  6. Event-driven programming is centered on the coordination of asynchronous actions through emitters and listeners, enabling responsive and dynamic application behavior.

  7. Object-oriented programming involves defining objects that communicate through message passing, where in objects possess internal state and public interfaces.

In summary, programming paradigms dictate how code is organized and executed. JavaScript exemplifies the integration of those common paradigms, including imperative, declarative, structured, procedural, functional, event-driven, and object-oriented programming. These paradigms offer diverse approaches for designing and implementing code, providing developers with versatile tools to address various challenges and create efficient software solutions.

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