IBRAHIM OLAWALE RAMON - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

Hello, I am Ramon Ibrahim o, a Backend developer with 2 years of vast experience in backend and machine learning.

My journey to programming language kick-started immediately after I finished Python training with NIIT and enrolled in Zuri Training.

The Zuri program was exciting, it gave me a great opportunity to meet with like-minded people and exposed me to real-world projects.
Since then, I have been working on group and personal projects.

I have worked on numerous projects in backend development, like E-commerce projects, School Management systems, Todo-list, Blog Apps, etc...
Recently, I worked on a project on how to build an API using the rest framework. At some point, I got stuck, when I was supposed to get JSON data from the browser. After making some findings on similar issues;
Here are the steps I took to be able to solve the problem:

  1. I built a capability on the urls.py file with a function code.

  2. I import rest_framework.URL patterns.

After all these, the result came out positive, The application ran smoothly.
I chose to join the HNG internship to enhance my Backend development skills and also to meet and collaborate with like-minded in the same track.
However, I encourage those who are interested in learning and getting more experience can visit this page HNG INTERNSHIP PROGRAM , and for those who want to hire talented developers visit here HNG HIRE.

In conclusion, building an extensive Django API is a great practice and a wonderful experience for me.

Contact me at Linkedln
