Mobile Development Platforms and Arcitecture patterns

walerick - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

We have different platforms that programmers use to develop scalable and efficient projects for mobile. Below are different mobile development patterns and their usefulness

  • Native Development : There are two categories for these platforms namely
  1. IOS- can bedeveloped with swift or objective-c in Xcode.
  2. Android - can be developed using kotlin or Java in Android Studio.
  • Cross-Platform Development: There are quite a few platforms under this category namely
  1. Flutter- Uses Dart Language.

  2. React Native- Uses Javascript and React.

  3. Xamarin - Uses C# and .NET

  4. Ion - Uses simple web technologies (html, Css and Js).

  • Hybrid Development :
  1. Cardova - Uses Html, CSS and JavaScript.

  2. Capacitor - Modern alternative to Cardova.

Common Software Arcitecture Pattern with their Pros and Cons

  1. MVC(Model-View-Controller):
  • Model: Manages data and business logic.

  • View: Manages the display and user interface.

  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between Model and View, handling user input and updating the view accordingly.

Separation of Concerns: Clear division between the application's data, UI, and logic.
Reusability: Models and Views can be reused across different parts of the application.


  • Overhead in Small Applications: For simple apps, MVC can add unnecessary complexity.

  • Complex Controller Logic: Controllers can become overloaded with logic, leading to "Massive View Controller" in iOS development.

  1. MVP (Model-View-Presenter) :
  • Model: Manages the data and business logic.

  • View: A passive interface that displays data and routes user interactions to the Presenter.

  • Presenter: Handles all the UI logic and communicates between Model and View, making the View more passive.


Improved Testability: Presenters can be tested independently from the Views, enhancing unit test coverage.
Decoupled View Logic: Views are simpler and more focused on rendering data, reducing the risk of complex, monolithic components.
Flexible Views: Easier to swap out or change Views without affecting business logic.


Boilerplate Code: Can lead to a significant amount of boilerplate, especially in large applications.
Presenter Complexity: Presenters can become overly complex as they take on more responsibilities.
Maintenance Overhead: Managing interactions between multiple Presenters and Views can become cumbersome.

  1. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
  • Model: Manages data and business logic.

  • View: Handles the display and binds to properties exposed by the ViewModel.

  • ViewModel: Acts as a mediator between Model and View, exposing data and handling most of the logic.


Two-Way Data Binding: Enables automatic synchronization between the View and the ViewModel, reducing the need for boilerplate code.
Enhanced Testability: ViewModels can be tested independently of the Views, promoting better test coverage.
Separation of Concerns: Clearly separates UI logic from business logic, making the code more maintainable.


Complex Data Binding: Managing data binding can become complex and difficult to debug, especially in larger applications.
Performance Overhead: Extensive use of data binding may lead to performance issues due to frequent UI updates.
Steeper Learning Curve: Understanding and properly implementing MVVM can be challenging for developers new to the pattern.

4. Clean Architecture

  • Domain Layer: Contains the business logic.

  • Data Layer: Manages data sources and repositories.

  • Presentation Layer: Handles the UI and presentation logic.

  • Interface Adapters: Convert data between the different layers.

Highly Scalable: Suitable for large, complex applications due to its modular structure.
Testability: Each layer can be tested independently, ensuring thorough and effective testing.
Independent Frameworks: The architecture is not tightly coupled to any framework, making it easier to switch or update technologies.


Initial Complexity: Setting up and understanding Clean Architecture can be daunting, especially for smaller teams or projects.
Increased Development Time: The overhead of maintaining strict boundaries between layers can slow down the development process.
Overkill for Simple Apps: May be excessive for small or simple applications due to its detailed and structured nature.

Thanks for reading this far, I'm Voldemort a Software engineer.
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