60 Best JavaScript Libraries for Building Interactive UI Components

Muhammad Usman - Feb 22 - - Dev Community

This list covers tools for building everything from simple buttons to complex data grids and animations. Choose based on your project’s needs (framework compatibility, performance, or customization).

Core Frameworks & Component Libraries

  1. React reactjs.org A declarative library for building component-based UIs.
  2. Vue.js vuejs.org Progressive framework for building reactive interfaces.
  3. Angular angular.io Full-featured framework with two-way data binding.
  4. Svelte svelte.dev Compiler-driven framework for lean, fast components.
  5. Preact preactjs.com Lightweight React alternative (3KB).
  6. SolidJS solidjs.com React-like syntax with fine-grained reactivity.
  7. Lit lit.dev Fast, lightweight Web Component library.
  8. Alpine.js alpinejs.dev Minimal framework for declarative DOM interactions.
  9. Stencil stenciljs.com Compiler for generating Web Components.

UI Component Libraries

  1. Material-UI (MUI) mui.com React components following Google’s Material Design.
  2. Ant Design ant.design Enterprise-level React UI library.
  3. Chakra UI chakra-ui.com Accessible, modular React components.
  4. Semantic UI semantic-ui.com Intuitive UI components with natural language syntax.
  5. Headless UI headlessui.com Unstyled, accessible components for React/Vue.
  6. Radix UI radix-ui.com Primitives for building accessible, customizable UIs.
  7. Quasar quasar.dev Vue-based framework for cross-platform apps.
  8. Vuetify vuetifyjs.com Material Design components for Vue.
  9. PrimeReact primefaces.org/primereact Rich UI components for React.
  10. React Suite rsuitejs.com React library for enterprise systems.

Animation & Motion

  1. Framer Motion framer.com/motion Production-ready animations for React.
  2. GSAP (GreenSock) greensock.com/gsap High-performance animation toolkit.
  3. React Spring react-spring.dev Spring-physics-based animations.
  4. Anime.js animejs.com Lightweight JavaScript animation engine.
  5. AOS (Animate On Scroll) michalsnik.github.io/aos Scroll-triggered animations.

Data Visualization & Charts

  1. D3.js d3js.org Powerful data-driven document manipulation.
  2. Chart.js chartjs.org Simple, flexible charts with canvas.
  3. Three.js threejs.org 3D graphics library for WebGL.
  4. Victory formidable.com/open-source/victory React components for data viz.
  5. Recharts recharts.org Declarative charting library for React.

Drag & Drop

  1. React DnD react-dnd.github.io Drag-and-drop utilities for React.
  2. Draggable shopify.github.io/draggable Modular drag-and-drop library.
  3. Sortable.js sortablejs.github.io/Sortable Reorderable lists with minimal code.

Forms & Validation

  1. Formik formik.org React form management with validation.
  2. React Hook Form react-hook-form.com Performant forms using React hooks.
  3. Yup github.com/jquense/yup Schema validation for JavaScript.
  4. Zod zod.dev TypeScript-first schema validation.

Tables & Grids

  1. AG Grid ag-grid.com Feature-rich grid for React/Angular/Vue.
  2. React Table tanstack.com/table Headless UI for building tables.
  3. Grid.js gridjs.io Lightweight grid plugin.

Date & Time Pickers

  1. React DatePicker reactdatepicker.com Customizable date picker for React.
  2. Luxon moment.github.io/luxon Modern date/time manipulation.
  3. Day.js day.js.org Lightweight alternative to Moment.js.

Modals & Notifications

  1. SweetAlert2 sweetalert2.github.io Beautiful popup modals.
  2. React Modal reactcommunity.org/react-modal Accessible modal component.
  3. Toast UI ui.toast.com Notification and editor components.

Carousels & Sliders

  1. Swiper swiperjs.com Modern touch slider.
  2. React Slick react-slick.neostack.com React port of the Slick carousel.

Maps & Geolocation

  1. Mapbox GL JS docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js Interactive, customizable maps.
  2. Leaflet leafletjs.com Mobile-friendly mapping library.

Scrolling & Parallax

  1. FullPage.js alvarotrigo.com/fullPage Full-screen scrolling sections.
  2. Locomotive Scroll locomotivemtl.github.io/locomotive-scroll Smooth scrolling with parallax.

Utilities & Helpers

  1. Lodash lodash.com JavaScript utility library.
  2. RxJS rxjs.dev Reactive programming with observables.
  3. Immer immerjs.github.io/immer Immutable state updates made easy.
  4. Zustand github.com/pmndrs/zustand Minimal state management for React.

Testing & Debugging

  1. Storybook storybook.js.org UI component development environment.
  2. Cypress cypress.io End-to-end testing for web apps.


  1. Tone.js tonejs.github.io Web audio framework for interactive sound.
  2. P5.js p5js.org Creative coding and generative art.
  3. Hammer.js hammerjs.github.io Gesture recognition for touch interactions.

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