Building Accessible React Components with React Aria

Suhag Lapani - Jun 13 - - Dev Community

Creating accessible and interactive web applications is a challenge that many developers face today. Ensuring that your components are not only functional and visually appealing but also accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, requires a deep understanding of various web standards and best practices. React Aria, a library in the React ecosystem, aims to simplify this process. In this blog post, we'll explore the features and benefits of React Aria and demonstrate how to use it to build accessible components.

What is React Aria?

React Aria is a powerful library that focuses on making the creation of accessible UI components easier for developers. It provides a set of hooks and behaviors that encapsulate the complexity of WAI-ARIA specifications, ensuring that the components you create are accessible to users with disabilities. React Aria aims to bridge the gap between the need for complex components and the requirement for accessibility, providing a solution that caters to both.

Key Features of React Aria

  1. Accessibility First: React Aria components are designed with accessibility as a top priority. This includes adherence to ARIA attributes, proper keyboard navigation, focus management, and support for assistive technology like screen readers.
  2. Headless UI Components: React Aria offers unstyled components, which means you have full control over the look and feel of your components. This headless approach allows for extensive customizability and integration with existing design systems.
  3. Behavior Hooks: The library provides a collection of behavior hooks that encapsulate the logic for common UI patterns, such as toggle buttons, menus, and dialogs. These hooks manage state, focus, keyboard interactions, and other accessibility features, allowing you to create complex components with ease.
  4. Focus Management: React Aria includes hooks for managing focus within components, ensuring that users can navigate your UI using a keyboard or other input methods.

Benefits of Using React Aria

  • Customizable Styles: React Aria is style-free out of the box, allowing you to build custom designs to fit your application or design system using any styling and animation solution.
  • Advanced Features: React Aria supports advanced features like accessible drag and drop, keyboard multi-selection, built-in form validation, table column resizing, and more.
  • High-Quality Interactions: The library ensures a great experience for users on all devices, with components optimized for mouse, touch, keyboard, and screen reader interactions.
  • Internationalization: React Aria includes internationalization out of the box, with translations in over 30 languages, localized date and number formatting and parsing, support for multiple calendar systems, and right-to-left layout support.

Architecture of React Aria

React Aria's architecture is designed to allow reusing component behavior between design systems. Each component is split into three parts: state, behavior, and the rendered component.

  1. State Hook: This hook manages the core logic and state of the component, independent of the platform.
  2. Behavior Hook: This hook implements event handling, accessibility, internationalization, and other platform-specific behaviors.
  3. Component: This is the actual rendered component that composes the state and behavior hooks and applies styles.

Getting Started with React Aria

To get started with React Aria, you need to install the necessary packages:

npm install @react-aria/hooks
npm install @react-aria/utils
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Here's an example of how to create a custom switch component using React Aria:

import { useToggle } from '@react-aria/hooks';
import { useToggleState } from '@react-stately/toggle';

function CustomSwitch(props) {
  let state = useToggleState(props);
  let { inputProps } = useToggle(props, state);

  return (
      <input {...inputProps} />
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In this example, useToggle is a hook from React Aria that provides all the necessary accessibility features for a switch component, and you can apply your own styles to make it fit into your application's design.


React Aria is a powerful tool for building accessible and customizable React components. Its focus on accessibility, headless UI components, and advanced features make it an excellent choice for developers looking to create high-quality, interactive web applications. By leveraging React Aria's hooks and behaviors, you can ensure that your components are not only functional and visually appealing but also accessible to all users.

For more information and to get started, check out the React Aria documentation and the React Spectrum GitHub repository.

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