How to set up code preview in VS Code IDE?

Forrest Horner - Jun 23 - - Dev Community

Hello kind people of the internet,
I'm following a beginning level tutorial on, which has an overview of using Volar to perform interactive code previews within VS Code IDE. This preview capability is a feature that I really want to have.

But alas, I've gone down an rabbit hole of trying to figure out just what to install in my IDE, as it seems the preview capability was extracted in v1.1.0.

Following some links I came across "Vue and Nuxt Preview", but it looks a little sketchy at version 0.0.2 as of 2/16/2023 with only about 2000 installs and zero ratings or reviews.

Rummaging around the internet I've also come across "vite-plugin-vue-component-preview" but those posts are two years old.

So at this point, on June 23 2024, after several hours of dredging the internet, I have no idea what to install to achieve an interactive Vue.js code review within the VS Code IDE.

Any help would be super appreciated
