World War I: Causes and Consequences

worlds war - Jun 12 - - Dev Community

During the early 1900s, Europe had many bombs ready to go. All they needed was one spark to set them off. For fifty years, things in Europe had been so bad that peace could no longer be held. There was a race in Europe to get better guns. Things that were not nice, like the war between France and Prussia and Berlin.

The world was heading for a terrible war because of things like the Congress, the Bulgarian Question, the birth of the Triple Alliance, the Russo-German Dispute, the Naval Competition between England and Germany, the Eastern Question, the spirit of Imperialism, the Morocco Crisis, the Serajevo murder, and many other things. Europe was split into two unfriendly groups by this point.

These countries were in the first group: England, France, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Portugal, Italy, the United States, Romania, Greece, Siam, Siberia, Cuba, Panama, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and more.

Second Group: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey were in the other group of Central Powers.

Austria and Serbia went to war with each other after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed on June 28, 1914. The war slowly grew into a world war. This war had people from almost every country and race in the world.

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