This is a plugin for Sublime Text which provides checkstyle reports using the following tools (all optional):
- PHP_CodeSniffer (phpcs)
- Linter (php -l)
- PHP Mess Detector (phpmd)
- Scheck (scheck, part of Facebook’s pfff toolchain)
You can also configure the plugin to fix the issues using either
- PHP Coding Standards Fixer (php-cs-fixer)
- PHP Code Beautifier (phpcbf) application
Requirements for this plugin, should you want all the options to work:
- PHP_CodeSniffer 3.5+
- PHPMD 2.8+
- PHP CS Fixer version 2.6+
Use Sublime Text’s Package Control (Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package -> Phpcs) to install this plugin.
In both cases, you may need to then configure the following with the actual path to the application:
- phpcs_php_path
- phpcs_executable_path
- phpmd_executable_path
- php_cs_fixer_executable_path
In order to get the path of the application (On a Mac/Linux based environment), you can use:
which phpcs
which phpmd
which php-cs-fixer
which phpcbf
Open the PHP Code Sniffer User Settings(Preferences -> Package Settings -> PHP Code Sniffer -> Settings - User):
"phpcs_executable_path": "/usr/bin/phpcs",
"phpcs_additional_args": {
"--standard": "PSR1,PSR2,PSR12",
"-n": ""
"phpcs_execute_on_save": true,
"phpcbf_executable_path": "/usr/bin/phpcbf",
"phpcbf_on_save": true,