Difference between Synchronous % Asynchronous

Agboola Quadri yomike - May 31 - - Dev Community

How code is executed in JavaScript falls into two main categories: synchronous and asynchronous. Understanding these two is key to writing efficient and responsive web applications.


Synchronous code execution happens sequentially, one line at a time. Each line of code waits for the previous line to finish before it starts. Imagine it like waiting in line at a store - you can't move forward until the person in front of you does.

Here's an example of synchronous code:

console.log("I'm first!");

let result = someFunctionThatTakesTime(); // Simulates a long-running task
In this example, the first line "I'm first!" will be logged to the console, then the program will pause and wait for someFunctionThatTakesTime to finish. Once it does, the result will be logged.


Asynchronous code execution, on the other hand, doesn't block the main thread. When an asynchronous operation is encountered, like fetching data from a server, the program continues to execute the next line of code. The asynchronous operation runs in the background, and when it's finished, it notifies the program through a callback function.

Here's an example of asynchronous code:

console.log("I'm first!");

fetchDataFromServer(function(data) {

console.log("I'm third!"); // This will be executed before data is fetched

In this example, all three lines are executed one after another. However, the fetchDataFromServer function is asynchronous. So, "I'm first!" and "I'm third!" will be logged immediately, and then the program will continue to wait for the data to be fetched. Once the data is retrieved, the callback function will be executed, and the data will be logged.

Why Asynchronous is Important

Asynchronous programming is essential for creating responsive web applications. If long-running tasks constantly block your code, your UI will become unresponsive and users will have a bad experience. Using asynchronous techniques, you can keep your UI responsive while background tasks are completed.

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