First release of SPVM::File::Copy and SPVM::FindBin

Yuki Kimoto - SPVM Author - Feb 10 '23 - - Dev Community

SPVM::File::Copy and SPVM::FindBin are now available for the first time.

The number of SPVM modules released to CPAN has continued to grow in recent months.

In January and February 2023, we are focusing on modules related to file paths.

On the road to a Web framework

Our SPVM goal for the first half of 2023 is to create a web framework.

A web framework must have all the basic building blocks in order to be created.

File IO, file paths, sockets, GZIP compression, regular expressions, Unicode, HTTP, SSL, and other things we are used to seeing in Perl are not yet complete or stable in SPVM.

However, the SPVM programming language is already capable of handling them. Now it is just a matter of time.

The time problem seems to be solved, as we can see plans to create Gzip, Unicode, and related modules, and we should be able to start implementing the web framework by the end of June of this year.

On the road to a web application

Another goal is to create a web application.

To do this, at a minimum, we need to create modules in SPVM that correspond to Perl's DBI and DBD::mysql and Redis.

DBI, DBD::mysql and Redis are quite large and complex modules. However, the SPVM programming language is already capable of creating them, so this is also just a matter of time.

An initial implementation will be available by the end of 2023.

Threading on the Road

The web framework will be thread-aware. Threads will allow for portable implementations on Linux/Mac/Windows. It would also be possible to quickly create threads. This is not possible with Perl.

The path to an web application running in a container

Another goal is to create a web application that runs on containers, and SPVM is very well suited for container applications since it already has a mechanism to output a single executable.

Deploying a web application can be as simple as writing a Docker environment and copying the executable file via rsync.

Perl lags behind in the area of threads and containers. Or rather, threads and containers are not feasible in the Perl programming language implementation.

So, as a Perl lover, I am struggling to realize them in the SPVM programming language and to call them from Perl.

SPVM one-liners

SPVM does not support one-liners, but SPVM can be called from Perl. In other words, you can call it from Perl one-liners.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to write in SPVM and call all functions from a Perl one-liner?

Translated with (free version)

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